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The ecological investigation is carried out during May in 6 lithofacies intertidal zones of Yantai littoral regions. 21 species of red alga are found out the investigated regions, there exists the most species at Yangma Islet (11 species), while gravel in

The eco-environmental characteristics of Taxuus marirei areas are that heat energy is efficiency, climate is warmer and moisture. 南方红豆衫分布区的生态环境特征是:热量充足,温暖潮湿。
The ecological balance is the instinctive movement of the ecosystem by self cause, self conduct, natural presence, and self existence. 生态平衡是生态系统“自因、自为、自然、自在”的本能运动。
The ecological environment of the market is undergoing fundamental change, which cells for regulation to be innovated in its principle, mode, rules, objectives and methods. 由于市场参与主体利益的显性化,资本市场运行的生态环境正在发生深刻变化,过去依赖股权分置为基础的监管理念、监管模式、监管法规、监管对象、监管手段,需要革故鼎新。
The ecological functions of earthworm include: (1) effects on key soil ecosystem processes such as decomposition of soil organic matters and nutrient cycling; (2) effects on soil chemical and physical properties; and (3) interaction with plants, microorga 蚯蚓活动及其在生态系统中的功能受蚯蚓生态类群、种群大小、植被、母岩、气候、时间尺度以及土地利用历史的综合控制。
The ecological implication of this life history strategy of rice water weevil was discussed. 文中讨论了双季稻区稻水象甲生活史对策的适应意义。
The ecological investigation is carried out during May in 6 lithofacies intertidal zones of Yantai littoral regions. 21 species of red alga are found out the investigated regions, there exists the most species at Yangma Islet (11 species), while gravel in 摘要所调查的5月份烟台海域6基岩潮间带的红藻群落由21种红藻组成,养马岛的种类组成最为丰富(11种),金沟寨最为贫乏,仅有3种。
The ecological riparian zone has the features of the structure stability, landscape suitability, ecological health and ecological safety. 生态河岸带具有结构稳定性、景观适宜性、生态健康性以及生态安全性等特征。
The ecological riparian zone is a ecological system mainly dominated by the natural condition, which can maintain the biodiversity, decrease the over-exploitation of sources and keep the homeostasis of the ecological system, and then has an important sign 摘要生态河岸带是以自然为主导的,能够维持物种多样性、减少对资源的剥夺、维护生态系统的动态平衡,对提高系统的自我调节、自我修复能力、改善人类生活环境等方面具有重要的意义。
The ecologist warned us that petroleum was not merely a blessing but also a curse. 那个生态学家警告我们,石油不只是福,它也是灾祸。
The ecology economical system is a complex system. 摘要生态经济系统是一个复杂的系统。
The ecology of the sea and all water-life is of GREat concern to Sam, as is the question of what will be left to become fossilized from the age we live in. 对于山姆来说,海洋生态和所有的水生物都是重要的,例如山姆会担心在我们生活的时代当中会留给后世怎样的化石。

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