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The authors established an initial velocity model based on the first break time of the actual data, then realized the forward calculation with the improved shortest path ray tracing algorithm, and applied the improved constrained damped simultaneous itera

The authors develop a protein-fragment complementation assay that specifically evaluates androgen receptor ligands in the context of signal activation. 作者开发一种蛋白质片段互补分析,具体评价激素受体配体的背景信号激活.
The authors did not obsere an association between long or short-term cell phone use and brain tumors, saliary gland tumors, eye tumors, or leukemias. 研究者并没有发现长或短使用手机与脑、唾液腺、眼、血液肿瘤相关。
The authors discuss from 12 different angles the effect of the clinical use of drugs on drug funds and point out that all of the following factors affect drug funds to varying degrees: distribution of the sum of money for the drugs the pharmacies receive, 作者从12个不同的角度探讨了临床用药对药品经费的影响,指出药房领用药品的金额分配,自费药品和贵重药品的比例,病人的住院天数,病人的费别身份,医院感染和并发症的产生,康复病房住院病人对药品的需求,重点用药科室所用药品的结构,集中药品消耗,术后病人预防用药情况,医生的用药习惯,抗菌药物在药品中所占的比例等都不同程度影响着药品经费。
The authors discuss the principle of compensated, the main circuit configurations, the control circuit and the design of software and give the important technical parameters. 阐述了其补偿原理、主回路、控制电路和软件设计,并给出了主要技术参数。
The authors discuss the water allocation under uncertain conditions through case study and dynamic design method of optimum allocation of water resource. 应用水资源最优化分配中的动态规划基本思想,并通过实例说明动态规划来解决不确定性条件下的分配问题,通过该算法得出最优解。
The authors established an initial velocity model based on the first break time of the actual data, then realized the forward calculation with the improved shortest path ray tracing algorithm, and applied the improved constrained damped simultaneous itera 根据实际地震数据的初至波时间建立初始速度模型;采用改进的最短路径射线追踪算法进行正演;利用改进的约束带阻尼联合迭代重建技术(CDSIRT)求解大型、稀疏的方程组来反演近地表的速度场。
The authors evaluated the impact of relative humidity and temperature on learning and memory in mice by using a plusmaze and found that the combination of high temperature and high humidity appeared to impair memory. 作者以迷宫测试小鼠,评估相对温溼度对于小鼠在学习及记忆所造成的影响,显示高温溼度会使小鼠记忆失调。
The authors explain how they were able to reduce noise levels in their animal facility by as much as 15 decibels in some areas using readily available industrial and architectural acoustical panels. 作者群说明他们如何在其动物设施中利用可购得的工业产品和建筑用之隔音版有效降低噪音至15分贝。
The authors explored those different aggregation technology models and their influence on the amount of public goods, and then some review was posed. 于是,该文作者考察了不同加总技术的公共物品分类及其对公共物品供给量的影响,在此基础上进行了简要评述和展望。
The authors expound the challenge the University is faced with and the guidelines for the construction of the provincial base of liberal arts education. 同时,阐述了对学校面临挑战,创建省级大学生文化素质教育基地的思考。
The authors expound the engineering project of diverting water from sooth to north in China, the engineering features and difficulties, environmental impact, ecologic environment protection and benefits of three lines of Sooth-to-North Water Transfer proj 摘要综述南水北调工程的调水背景,东、中、西三条线路的工程规划,南水北调的工程特点、环境影响与生态环境保护及其南水北调的工程综合效益。

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