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It's old fashioned that the Metro people thought that way, he added.

It's not so much what my husband says,a tearful wife confides,as the way he says it.Why dose he have to yell at me? 泪流满面的妻子倾诉道:“倒不是因为他说的话不对,而是他说话的方式。凭什么要对我那样大喊大叫?”
It's not something that I was aspiring to reach, but it's certainly an honor,Matsui said. 松井说:这不是我所渴望达成的事情,但是这真的是一个荣耀。
It's not such a big deal. 3这没什么了不起。
It's not the government's job to bail out speculatorsor people who knowingly borrowed more than they could afford to buy houses. 解救投机者或那些借款超过自己承受能力的人并不是政府的责任。
It's not too bad, just a couple of stitches. It didn't stop me from carrying on and it will not keep me out of the next game. “这并不是很坏,只有两针.它并没有阻止我继续,也不能使我缺席下场比赛.”
It's old fashioned that the Metro people thought that way, he added. 他说:“地铁部门那样想也太古板了。”
It's part of our development of corporate alliances in the US,Smith said. “这是我们发展在美国联盟合作计划的一部分,”史密斯说。
It's pathetic,said Hermione furiously, striding away from Ron as far as she could go and turning to face him with her arms folded once she had reached the wall. “活该!”赫敏气呼呼地说。她大步离开了罗恩,一直走到房间那头的墙边,转身抱起双臂瞪着他。
It's payback time. Air kick! 「此仇不报非君子,看我的飞踢!」
It's pretty chilling. It's like our worst nightmare was just proved. This might just be the tip of the iceberg. “这真让人不寒而栗。就好像是我们刚发现了最可怕的噩梦。但这仅仅是冰山一角。”
It's raining. Even so, we must set off. 天在下雨,尽管如此我们还是要出发。

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