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The constant transitions in and out of constricted and then expansive thoughts, subdued and then violent responses, grim and then ebullient moods, withdrawn and then outgoing stances, cold and then fiery states—and the rapidity and fluidity of moves throu

The constant development of foreign trade and economic cooperation has also contributed much to the steady growth of the country's foreign exchange reserve. 外经贸事业的不断发展为国民经济的发展、产业结构的调整、运行质量的提高发挥了积极作用。
The constant good cutting result leading into the result of many new customers throughout the last few years , as quality and price ratio is well accepted including our very personal sales service ,which is just one of the varitity of the various function 为维护浙江远达锯业有限公司及其经营的昂兹双金属带锯条的声誉和客户的利益,对本公司销售的双金属带锯条实行上门焊接,如发生质量问题,上门维修。
The constant noise of air craft flying overhead gets on everyone's nerves. 连续不断的习机轰鸣声老在头上响着,使得人人心烦意乱。
The constant search for a more effective infantry weapon led in the 1990s to the concept of small-calibre high-explosive fragmentation grenade shells designed to burst over the heads of their targets, thereby permitting the attack of troops in defilade, i 源于上世纪八十年代的对更加有效的步兵武器的不断研究得出了小口径高爆破片手榴弹的外壳设计用于杀伤目标头部的概念,从而形成了对隐藏于工事及掩体的部队进行攻击的手段。
The constant threat of danger kept us all on our toes. 我们因随时都会发生危险而保持警觉.
The constant transitions in and out of constricted and then expansive thoughts, subdued and then violent responses, grim and then ebullient moods, withdrawn and then outgoing stances, cold and then fiery states—and the rapidity and fluidity of moves throu 躁郁患者不断地在狭隘与广阔的想法、压抑与激烈的反应、阴沉与奔放的情绪、退缩与外向的态度、冷漠与激烈的状态之间进出;在如此强烈对比的经验之间快速流畅地穿梭,可是会造成相当的痛苦与混淆。
The constellation test is not open book. 星座考试是不可以看书的。
The constellation's nebula is invisible to the unaided eye, but can be resolved with binoculars or small telescopes. 星云用裸眼是看不到的,但是用双筒望远镜或小望远镜就能分解出它。
The consternation of the left after that year's result is likely to prompt a rally to the Socialists this time. 对当年选举结果的惊愕很可能促使左翼力量这一次集结到社会党身边。
The constipation in the single exception was not a specific presentation, which may have delayed the diagnosis. 合并有异位的黏膜存在的比例爲25%,四个病人当中有三个胃复制畸形。
The constituency system is that each district in Gaza and the West Bank prepares a list of candidates and the residents of each district vote for the list. 全比例系统的意思就是:每个竞争的党派和运动的组织提交自己候选人的名单,巴基斯坦的所有地区将会按照名单上的所有候选人进行全民选举。

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