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Vegans consume no animal products and are susceptible to vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vedic Deities - These deities represent forces of nature or devas and are not equivalent to Brahman represented as Vishnu or Shiva. 陀吠众神——这些神代表了自然或提婆的力量,并不等同于把婆罗门描绘成毗瑟奴或湿婆。
Vedic literature refers to the whole of this vast group of literature. 吠陀文献引用了整个辽阔的文稿。
Veer away! 松出!
Veer cable ! 锚链松!
Veer out! 松出!
Vegans consume no animal products and are susceptible to vitamin B12 deficiency. 素食者不吃任何动物性食物,易患维生素B12缺乏症。
Vegeta has referred to Bulma as his wife a couple of times in the series, but what that term means to him may not go by our traditional definition. 答:在这个系列中贝吉塔曾提及布尔玛是他的妻子(译注:就是小贝对悟空发飙那次,因为悟空要送布尔玛写真集给老界王神),但那对他来说可能不属于我们传统上的定义。
Vegetable oil has been known from antiquity. 植物油从古以来就为人们所熟悉。
Vegetable oil is digestible and mineral oil is not. 植物油易消化而矿物油则不行。
Vegetable protein intake was inversely related to blood pressure. 摄取蔬菜类蛋白质与体内的血压是成反比关系。
Vegetable shortening will work very well, especially almond and saffron. 植物油较好,特别是杏仁油和藏红花油。

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