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The China Gate Restaurant was originally built in 1924 as a Chinese opera house by restaurateur Charlie Louie.

The China Economic Information Service, the China News Development Co., the China National United Advertising Co., the China Photo Service, the Global Public Relations Co. and the Hangzhou International Public Relations Co. — all affiliated with Xinhua — 新华社所属的中国经济信息社、中国新闻发展公司、中国广告联合总公司、中国图片社、环球公共关系公司、杭州国际公共关系公司等,在国内同行业中都处于举足轻重的地位。
The China Electric Power News said China added 102 gigawatts of new power capacity in 2006, about equal to the capacity of the UK and Thailand combined, or twice that of California. 《中国电力报》表示,2006年中国新增装机容量1.02亿千瓦,约相当于英国和泰国装机容量的总和,或者是美国加州的两倍。
The China Energy Conservation Project hasn't had much to say about electronics, but that will change. 中国的能源储备项目虽然没有太多谈论电子设备,但情况将会改变。
The China Enterprise Confederation (CEC) has released its latest list of the country's top 500 companies. 中国企业联合会近日发布了“中国企业500强”最新榜单。
The China Foreign Exchange Trade System &National Interbank Funding Center (CFETS) and ICAP plc, the world's largest inter-dealer broker, are approved by China Banking Regulatory Commission to form a joint venture --- Shanghai CFETS-ICAP International Mon 中国外汇交易中心暨全国银行间拆借中心与世界最大的货币经纪公司之一ICAP集团获中国银监会的批准在上海筹建一家合资货币经纪公司—上海国际货币经纪有限责任公司。
The China Gate Restaurant was originally built in 1924 as a Chinese opera house by restaurateur Charlie Louie. 龙门酒家最初是酒家东主雷氏于1924年建筑的,当时是一个戏院。
The China Kaleidoscope Phantom Co. ltd was established in 2002,The headquarters suppose in Shanghai. 中国万花筒影像有限公司成立于2002年,总部设于上海。
The China National Tourism Administration had a promotion division (then named Propaganda Division)before 1985 and regularly invited the foreign press to China. 中国国家旅游局在1985年之前有一个推广处(当时叫作宣传处),定期邀请外国媒体访问中国。
The China NetworkWorld is published on every Monday. The publication is distributed through subscription via nation-wide post offices, controlled circulation and newsstand sales. 《网络世界》每周一出版,采取邮局订阅,定向赠阅和零售并举的发行方式。
The China Open Source Software Promotion Alliance is another group working with western vendors like HP and IBM, already big open source shops. 中国开源软件创立联盟是另外一个组织,就如西方的HP和IBM一样,是一个巨大的开源商店。
The China Orient Asset Management Corporation purchased respectively in 2004 and 2005 the doubtful loans of the China Construction Bank and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China with a total principal value of RMB 250 billion. 中国东方资产管理公司于2004年、2005年先后收购了中国建设银行和中国工商银行的可疑类贷款约2500亿元。

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