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The result has been a bloody local war in which at least 350 people have so far lost their lives, and nearly 50,000 are holed up in relief camps, with little prospect of being allowed back to their villages, and harbouring well-founded anxieties about the

The result from analysis of examples shows that this method is effective and advantageous. 实例分析结果验证了所提出方法的有效性和优越性。
The result from the parking equipment model test shows that the noninterference movement condition derived and the design method presented in this paper is rational and feasible, and can be used in the chain transmission system design of the actual parkin 模型试验表明,所给出的托架运动不干涉条件和链传动系统设计方法合理可行,可用于实际停车设备链传动系统设计。
The result fully proves that by this kind of supervision technology, not only can the survey precision be inspected accurately and supervision cost be cut down, but also can the equitableness and justness of supervision for dredging projects be guaranteed 实践证明,采用这种监理技术,不但能较好地检测疏浚单位的测量精度,节省监理费用,而且还保证了疏浚工程验收工作的公正公平,避免了不必要的争议。
The result gave the optimal filter particle diameter, layer thickness and filtration velocity. 根据实验结果,确定了最佳的过滤介质粒径、过滤层厚度和过滤速度。
The result had supplied a reference data for the further studies of pharmacy and speciation of metallic elements. 实验结果为微量元素的形态分析及其对药理作用的贡献提供参考数据。
The result has been a bloody local war in which at least 350 people have so far lost their lives, and nearly 50,000 are holed up in relief camps, with little prospect of being allowed back to their villages, and harbouring well-founded anxieties about the 这做成局部地方的流血事件,至少350名死者,约5000人住在避难所,只有少少的希望能够回去自己的村落,以及到一些国家较好建设的地方避难。
The result has been a rapid increase in heart surgery. 其结果就使对心脏实行外科手术的病例迅猛地在增强。
The result has been an overtaxed bullpen that's worked an AL-high 74 1/3 innings in 18 games, a frustrated clubhouse and an 8-10 record. 结果是在18场比赛中牛棚的投手投球局数竟然高达741/3局、球队8胜10败的成绩。
The result has been burgeoning variety and a breakneck expansion of the private sector. 结果就是逐渐展现出的多样化以及私立学校飞快的扩张速度。
The result has been disastrous. 其结果是令人悲哀的。
The result has been not just a welcome explosion of temporary and part-time jobs, but, more insidiously, the entrenchment of a two-tier labor market. 结果不仅仅是临时工作和兼职工作的爆增大受欢迎,更深层的是它造成了内外圈劳动力市场的隔阂。

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