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At a round table there's no dispute of place.

At a regular press conference in Beijing on Tuesday, Qin Gang admitted that in recent years some factories have used children to produce merchandise, he emphasized that these employers have breached Chinese law, and would be punished to the full extent of 在周二北京举行的例行新闻发布会上,有记者针对一些国家对中国非法使用童工所作出的批评发问,秦刚回应说,在最近几年里,确实有一些工厂雇用童工参与产品生产。
At a request from Environmental Defense, one of us (Goldberg) brought together researchers from Johns Hopkins University, Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh to examine how the program could achieve its goals with fewer animals. 本文作者之一高柏,为了回应捍卫环境协会的要求,召集了来自美国约翰霍普金斯大学、卡内基美伦大学以及匹兹堡大学的研究人员,共同研究如何使用更少的动物,来达成高尔所提计画的目标。
At a result, the power of training new troops came to Rong Lu and Yuan Shikai who were both favoured by Cixi (empress dowager). 北洋编练新军之权则落入慈禧太后所崇信的荣禄与袁世凯之手。
At a retail store. 在零售商店。
At a risk of sounding too simplistic, it seems to me that the main propositions for setting up more online course can be summarized in one statement. 尽管有冒过于简单的风险,但是对于我来说,有关“开设更多的网上课程”的主要见解似乎可以概括为一句话。
At a round table there's no dispute of place. 圆桌上没有座次之争。
At a roundabout, outside Britain and other countries that drive on the left, drivers can only turn right. 在环形路上,除了英国和其它汽车靠左行驶的国家外,司机只能向右转弯。
At a second conclave, in February in Ankara, they set up a brisk work programme and asked others to join. 今年2月在安卡拉举行的第二次会议上,他们提出了一份令人振奋的工作计划,并邀请其它国家加入。
At a secondhand store I ran across the works of his early years. 我在一家旧货店无意中碰到了他早年的作品.
At a small team-briefing meeting, for example, you may wish to inform team members that performance levels have fallen, but in a way that encourages them to do better. 在一个小型的团队总结会议上,例如,你可能想让团队的人知道他们的表现有所下降,但是你想鼓励他们做的更好。
At a special ceremony, two of the most expensively-saved animals were released back into the wild 3)amid cheers and 4)applause from 5)onlookers. 在一个特别仪式上,有两只花巨款拯救回来的海豹在旁观者的欢呼与掌声中被放回大自然。

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