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Basic packages are free or low-cost electronic commerce software supplied by the Web host for building Web sites.

Basic matters, like when she goes to bed, wakes up, dresses, and eats were put under the rigid schedule of institutional life. 一些基本生活问题,例如睡觉、起床、穿衣和吃饭时间都被安排在疗养院固定的院时间时间表上。
Basic mechanical drawing, molding or die processing experience is a plus. 基本机械设计和绘图软件,有模具制造行业经验优先。
Basic method and step of game teaching are a presenting of warm-up exercise, language, new information to explain in detail, language of make stronger a practice. 游戏教学的基本方法和步骤是热身运动、语言的呈现、新知的讲解、语言的巩固练习。
Basic molecular structural principles of biological materials. 生物材料的基本分子结构原理。
Basic operation:Mouse the left key pitch ball.Left descend Cape to control for the strength, at strength for red pitch ball the best. 基本操作:鼠标左键投球。左下角为力量控制,在力量为红时投球最佳。
Basic packages are free or low-cost electronic commerce software supplied by the Web host for building Web sites. 网络主机服务商应该为站点的建立提供免费或低价的软件包。
Basic page customization by just editing a few fields in your user profile. 基本的页面定制,在你的用户配置信息中只要编辑几个字段。
Basic passive device integration regions include capacitor, resistor and inductor layers. 基本被动元件整合区域包含电容、电阻和电感层。
Basic personal computer skill and knowledge. 基本的计算机操作知识和操作技能。
Basic principle and implement method of slab cutting length computation model in No 3 CC of Baosteel are introduced. 摘要主要介绍在宝钢3号连铸机上投运的板坯切割长度计算模型的基本原理及实现方法。
Basic principle of physical isolation card is based on PCI introduced,especially on how to develop and install the bootstrap program in MBR of hard disk,in order to appear the interface for choice between inner and outer net at the time of bootstrap,and s 介绍了基于PCI的物理隔离卡基本原理,重点说明如何开发和安装主引导扇区MBR中的自举程序,使得开机出现内外网选择界面,配合隔离卡实现内外网的切换,并给出了BIOS环境下内外网选择界面中汉字显示的解决方案。

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