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Because all life stages can feed on your dog, and because ticks lay large quantities of eggs, tick problems can escalate rapidly.

Because adopt unique internal design, it can survey if the node is closing no matter the signal node power supply adopt AC or DC. 仪表独特的内部设计可以保证节点信号电源不论是采用交流还是直流,都能够检测到节点的闭合。
Because adrenaline is flowing, it is surprisingly easy to pull too hard and pin the victim against the crevasse lip, so make sure the white leader communicates clearly with everyone in the group. 由于肾上腺素上升的缘故,很容易太过用力拉而把落难队员卡在了裂缝边上,所以白队先锋要确保和所有队员清晰的通话。
Because adult cells have specific, specialized functions, most of the unused DNA has been turned off. 由于成熟的细胞有某种具体的特定功能,大多数未用过的DNA都遭到了排斥。
Because all 50 states and the District of Columbia have their own regulators, insurers, whether domestic or foreign, that want to operate nationally must traipse from Albany to Sacramento seeking permission. 因为50个州和哥伦比亚地区拥有他们自己国内或是国外的管理者、保险公司,他们要想在全国的市场分得一杯羹就必须长途跋涉从奥尔巴尼到萨克拉曼多获得许可。
Because all babies look alike, people put boys in blue and put girls in pink to distinguish them. 因为所有的婴儿看起来都一样,为了分辨它们的性别,所以人们通常给男孩穿上蓝色的衣服,给女孩穿上粉红色的衣服。
Because all life stages can feed on your dog, and because ticks lay large quantities of eggs, tick problems can escalate rapidly. 因为全部的生命阶段都依靠你的狗,蜱能下很大数量的卵,蜱的问题可以迅速严重化。
Because all our time belongs to God, Christians must live every day in a Godly way. 因为我们所有的时间都属于神,基督徒每天都必须过属灵的生活。
Because all sorts of things are brought to the table, everyone gets out more than they put in. 所有的食物都放到桌子上,因此每人能吃上的食物远比带来的要多。
Because all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the vainglory of life, is not of the Father but is of the world. 16因为凡世界上的事,就是肉体的情欲、眼目的情欲、并今生的骄傲,都不是出于父,乃是出于世界。
Because all the stratal configuration in loess ravine region are similar totally, the numerical model in this paper can be modified to suit for other section. 由于黄土沟壑区湿软地基的地层结构较为类似,依据文中的数值模型可修改相应参数后用于其他相似断面,为地基处理方案的设计和施工提供依据。
Because all your media is stored on your computer it becomes easier to sift through important and less-important material. 由于所有的媒体信息被存储在计算机内,用户可以很容易的审查这些资料的重要性。

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