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Entrusted with more responsibility than any Lieutenant Governor in modern times, Carol Molnau serves Minnesota both as the state's number two executive and also as Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

Entropy Is Not Disorder; It Is a Measure of the Dispersal of Energy. 熵不是指无序;而是(自由能)能量分散开(变小)的一个量度。
Entropy is actually a measure of disorder. “熵”是一个针对混乱程度的度量数值。
Entropy of an image is to express the smoothness or homogeneity of the image.While computing in a local window,if there exist edges,the local image will not be homogenous,variation of the grayness will be sharp and the entropy obtained will be low.Otherwi 图像的熵用来刻划图像的平滑性或均匀性.在图像的局部窗口中计算时,如果窗口中存在边界,则窗口中的图像不均匀,其灰度变化急剧,计算出的熵小;反之熵大.设定熵的阈值,即可判断是否存在边界.由于熵算子对噪声很敏感,直接用它进行边界检测,效果很差.文中针对这一缺陷,提出将熵算子与去噪相结合的边界检测法,如果计算出的熵大于阈值,要判断是噪声的出现所引起,还是边界的出现所引起,这样,边检测边界边去噪声.用该方法对信噪比较低的图像进行实验,得到了满意的效果.
Entrust his drawing to the care to us. 把他的画委托给我们照顾。
Entrusted by the buyer, Jiangsu Complete Equipment Co., Ltd. invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers at home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and service by the way of international competitive bidding (ICB). 江苏省设备成套有限公司(招标代理机构)受买方委托,对下列产品及伴随服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,现邀请合格的投标人参加投标。
Entrusted with more responsibility than any Lieutenant Governor in modern times, Carol Molnau serves Minnesota both as the state's number two executive and also as Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation. 卡洛尔.莫尔诺,美国明尼苏达州常务副州长,担负着比其它州长们更多的职责,因为她同时还担任着州交通厅的厅长。
Entrusting a professional management company to manage construction project is a new mode which is being popularized in China. 摘要委托专业管理公司对建设项目进行管理,是我国目前正在大力推广的一种新的建设项目管理模式。
Entrusting with litigant's procedure option in civil jury and civil juror is a good way to consummate the people's juror system's Consummating Planagain. 赋予当事人在民事陪审中的程序选择权,将民事案件是否适用陪审的决定权交给当事人,将民事陪审案件中具体人民陪审员的选定权交给当事人,不失为现行人民陪审员制度再完善的好思路。
Entry into the EU may stimulate emigration, though most existing members have slapped on temporary labour-market restrictions. 虽然大多数欧盟成员国都已经实行了对短期劳工市场的限制,但两国在加入欧盟后,移民问题仍会变得更加严重。
Entry into the military restricted airspace by airborne devices shall be prohibitied, except as otherwise authorized by relevant state provisions. 禁止航空器进入空中军事禁区,依照国家有关规定取得许可的除外。
Entry of Europeans to Canton. 欧洲人进入广东。

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