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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Exercise boosts brainpower by building new brain cells in a brain region linked with memory and memory loss, U.S. researchers reported on Monday.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A U.S. warship has successfully knocked down a short-range missile fired from Hawaii, the Pentagon has said, amid global concerns about a possible North Korea missile test. 华盛顿(CNN)--五角大楼表示:当全球注意力锁定在朝鲜可能实施的导弹试射时,一艘美国军舰成功的拦截一枚从美国夏威夷发射的短程导弹。
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A new space telescope that looks at the cosmos with infrared detectors has lifted the dust veils from newborn stars and a bumptious comet, and revealed the detail in the spiral arms of a neighboring galaxy. 华盛顿(路透社)---一种能通过红外线观测宇宙的新型太空望远镜已经揭开了覆盖在一些新诞生的恒星和一颗()彗星上的宇宙尘面纱,向我们显示了一个邻近银河系的旋臂的详细情况。
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China's newest ballistic missile submarine, the Jin-class vessel, has been spotted for the first time by a commercial satellite, a nuclear expert at the Federation of American Scientists said on Thursday. 华盛顿(路透社)-美国科学家联盟的核专家星期四说:中国新一代导弹潜水艇首次被商用卫星发现。
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Drug-resistant versions of the AIDS virus passed from mother to child can quickly hide in the infant's immune system cells and lurk for years, researchers reported on Monday. 华盛顿(路透社)周一研究人员报道说从母体传到孩体的抗药性艾滋病毒能迅速隐藏在儿童免疫系统细胞中,并潜伏多年.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - European astronomers have spotted what they say is the most Earth-like planet yet outside our solar system, with balmy temperatures that could support water and, potentially, life. 华盛顿(路透社)——欧洲天文学家已经观测到在我们生活的太阳星系之外还存在着最大的类地星球,正如他们所说的这颗星球有着温和的气候,可以存在水,也有可能存在生物。
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Exercise boosts brainpower by building new brain cells in a brain region linked with memory and memory loss, U.S. researchers reported on Monday. 路透社华盛顿消息——据美国的研究人员们星期一报道,锻炼能使脑部与记忆及记忆功能丧失相关的功能区域产生新的细胞,从而提高脑力。
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - On the verge of war in Iraq, the Bush administration finds its goals complicated by its own uncompromising approach as it builds a legacy that could do long-term damage to NATO, the United Nations and U.S. leadership, diplomats and 华盛顿(路透社)-外交官和分析人士表示,在对伊开战一触即发之际,布什政府发现这一目标已被自身毫不退让的行事方式弄得错综复杂起来,而此时美国政府的所做所为会对北约、联合国和美国的领导地位造成长期的损害。
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government panel that would review a bid by China's CNOOC Ltd. to buy Unocal Corp. would likely examine U.S. allies' access to Unocal's Asian gas supplies and deep-sea exploration technology with potential military uses, so 路透社华盛顿讯:熟悉海外投资审查程序的消息人士称,美国政府的海外投资委员会将审查中国海洋石油有限公司收购尤尼科公司一案,审查可能涉及美国盟国有权使用尤尼科的亚洲汽油供应和深海钻探技术可能被用于军事用途。
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - There is no evidence antibiotics help the vast majority of patients with acute bronchitis, and doctors should stop routinely prescribing them, researchers reported on Wednesday. 华盛顿路透社报道研究人员在本周三称,没有任何证据表明抗生素有助于绝大部分急性支气管炎患者,医生应当停止常规应用抗生素治疗支气管炎。
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- If music makes you smarter, and exercise helps brain function, can exercising to music really boost brainpower? Some researchers said it can. 华盛顿----如果音乐可使你聪明,锻炼能提升大脑功能,那么音乐加锻炼是否能促进脑力呢?一些研究者认为答案是肯定的。
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Post-menopausal Chinese women who eat a Western-style diet heavy in meat and sweets face a higher risk of breast cancer than their counterparts who stick to a typical Chinese diet loaded with vegetables and soy, a study found. 华盛顿(路透社)-一项研究发现,吃肉类和糖类比重较高的西式饮食的绝经后的中国女性,患乳腺癌的几率比吃传统的以蔬菜和豆类为主的饮食的女性高。

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