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Hot dog? Only seventy-five cents.

Hot coffee can give first-degree burns . 热咖啡能造成一度烫伤。
Hot coffee can give first-degree burns. 热咖啡能造成一度烫伤。
Hot dip galvanized and galvannealed steel sheets, which are superior in corrosion resistance and production cost, are widely used in automotive industry and household appliances. 摘要由于热镀锌及其合金化产品具有优良的耐蚀性能及成本较低等优点,因而在汽车和家电等行业得到了广泛的应用。
Hot dishes may spoil the varnish on a table. 热的盘子会损坏桌子的亮光漆面。
Hot dog is not the traditional Chinese food. 热狗不是中国传统食物。
Hot dog? Only seventy-five cents. 要热狗吗?只要七十五分钱。
Hot dogs and Sprite go good together. 热狗和雪碧是很好的搭配。
Hot dogs can be bought in snack bars and from hot dog stands on street corners. 热狗在快餐店和路边的热狗小摊上都能买到。
Hot dogs sausages between bread rolls-can be bought in snack bars and from hot dog stands on street corners. 热狗——面包卷夹香肠一一可以在街角的小吃店和热狗摊上买到。
Hot dogs—sausages between bread rolls—can be bought in snack bars and from hot dog stands on street comers. 热狗—面包卷夹香肠—可以在街角的小吃店和热狗摊上买到。
Hot event deposits occurred in Liantuo Formation of Lower Sinian, interbedded in fluvial facies sandstones and siltstones. 热事件沉积产物见于下震旦统莲沱组,夹于河流相沉积的砂岩及粉砂岩中。

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