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The purpose of a preschool children health management program was the protection of physical and mental health, through the early health screening to detect any abnormal physical conditions and then by prompt referral and treatment to quickly regain healt

The purpose of The Doctrine of the Mean is to demonstrate the usefulness of golden means to gain perfect virtue. 《中庸》的目的是证实运用中庸之道达到完美德行的绝妙方法。
The purpose of Yuan drama is to tell a story, and the characters, in their representative narration, are storytellers. 摘要元杂剧以故事表述为目的,剧中人物承担着杂剧故事的叙述任务。
The purpose of a business is to provide something that a customer wants at a price he or she is prepared to pay. 商业的目的,是以顾客愿意支付的价钱提供他或她想要的东西。
The purpose of a commencement speaker is to dispense wisdom. 毕业典礼演讲的目的是传播智慧。
The purpose of a delta is efficiency. 增量的这个目的是有效的。
The purpose of a preschool children health management program was the protection of physical and mental health, through the early health screening to detect any abnormal physical conditions and then by prompt referral and treatment to quickly regain healt 目的在维护儿童身心健康,期能透过健康筛检的办理早期发现异常个案,进而转介、矫治,并促使其早日恢复健康。
The purpose of a risk manager is to utilize the resources available in such a manner as to mitigate the damages. 风险管理人的目的是利用现有所有资源,以便减轻灾害。
The purpose of a self-introduction is to present yourself to someone else, therefore you must personalize it to your needs. 自我介绍的目的是将你个人介绍给某人,因此必须依据个人需求将之个人化。
The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. 考试的目的在于显示你对一门课程的掌握程度。
The purpose of a trade-mark is that the user (consumer) can distinguish the source of the product/service and the high standard of quality or reputation associated with that product/service. 注册商标或专利注册专业标志及名称的目的是让使用者(顾客)能够区别产品或服务的来源,高品质及产品或服务带来的信誉。
The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself. 作家的决心和意图,是要守护文明世界,避免其自我毁灭。

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