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Detail of young leaves and growing point; many leaves reduced to bare midrib or narrow green corrugated residue of lamina; youngest leaves and growing point brown and dead; large green stipular lamina around crown.

Detachment from one's physical surroundings, as in contemplation or daydreaming. 入定与某人的物质环境所分离,如在冥思或白日梦中
Detail Make of Acrylic board, Double-duty, MaiSiPillow, Handrail, Handled sprinkling. 功能说明以高质量的压克力(丙烯酸)板制成,豪华双人按摩缸,带美思枕,扶手,花洒.
Detail Make of high quality acrylic board, tempered glass, computer steam control, handle sprinkling, washcloth shelf, nozzle massage. 功能说明以高质量的压克力(丙烯酸)板及钢化玻璃制成,带电脑蒸汽控制,活动花洒,浴品架,按摩喷头.
Detail image at each scale can be obtained by inverse transformation of wavelet coefficients of a noise image. 在含噪图像小波分解后,对每一尺度下三个高频子带的细节分量进行单层逆变换,得到该尺度下的细节图像。
Detail of transfer line valve configuration. 传输管系统阀门配置详图。
Detail of young leaves and growing point; many leaves reduced to bare midrib or narrow green corrugated residue of lamina; youngest leaves and growing point brown and dead; large green stipular lamina around crown. 缺锰甘蓝的“鞭尾症:关键在于嫩叶和生长点,许多叶片露出中脉或缩小成绿色波状的薄层残留,心叶和生长点变褐并死亡,顶部周围有大量绿色长有托叶的叶片。
Detail view of light sensors at bottom of transfer line. 传输管底端之光线感测器详图。
Detail view of sensor to measure the inner pipe's resonant frequency. 用来测量内管共振频率之感测器详图。
Detail view of solenoid valve and water entry. 螺线阀及入水口详图。
Detail-oriented, strong analytic ability, meticulosity. 分析能力强,细心,能从事较为繁琐的工作。
Detail-oriented, strong analytic ability, willing to perform hands-on work in a meticulous way. 分析能力强,细心,愿意从事较为繁琐的工作。

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