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Among other poi nts, her order enjoined the service “from taking any further action contrary to the roadless rule without undertaking environmental analysis.

Among other evils which being unarmed brings you, it causes you to be despised. 手无寸铁带来诸多恶果,被蔑视即其中之一。
Among other jobs, the hippocampus is involved in responding to stress. 海马体的功能之一是对压力作出反应。
Among other measures, I have directed additional security at our airports and increased Coast Guard patrols of major seaports. 在其它措施方面,我已经下令在机场加强安全,在主要港口增强海岸警卫队巡逻。
Among other measures, I have directed additional security of our airports, and increased Coast Guard patrols of major seaports. 其他措施还包括,我指示对我国机场加强保安,并且增加了海岸警卫队在重要海港的巡逻。
Among other nations calling for a Syrian pullout are Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Russia, France and Britain. 其他要求叙利亚撤军的国家还有埃及,沙特阿拉伯,俄罗斯,法国和英国。
Among other poi nts, her order enjoined the service “from taking any further action contrary to the roadless rule without undertaking environmental analysis. 除了其他要点外,她的裁定禁止森林服务局在进行环境分析前进行任何与无路规定相悖的事情。
Among other reasons, annulments can be granted because of psychological immaturity of one or both partners at the time of the marriage, a hidden factor not known to one partner, problems of consent, lack of sexual consummation and forced marriages. 在其他原因中,诸如结婚时其中一方或双方心理不成熟、一个不为一方所知的隐密因素、默契问题、缺乏圆房与被迫结婚等等理由,都可获判婚姻无效。
Among other things, President Hu Jintao, at the UN Summit, set forth five important measures that China will take regarding tariffs, debts, concessional loans, public health and human resources development. 胡锦涛主席在联合国首脑会议上宣布了中国将在关税、债务、优惠贷款、公共卫生、人力资源开发方面采取的五项重大举措。
Among other things, Thwaite rehashes old stories he has written before, sits in his study in the morning sipping from a bottle of whisky in the drawer of his desk and calmly blows away a commitment to speak at a fund-raising dinner for a Harlem youth prog 除了别的事情,斯维特重新创作了一个自己曾经写过的老故事,清晨,他坐在自己的书房里一边喝着从抽屉里取出的威士忌,一边平静的吹走了一份关于在黑人青年计划的募款晚宴上发言的承诺书,为的是出席一个出版商举办的纪念两位巴勒斯坦激进分子的晚宴。
Among other things, he claims, his magnetic field can alter time. 此外,他声称,他可以改变磁场的时间.
Among other things, the South Korean government has subsidised visits to Mount Kumgang. 除了其它援助,韩国政府还为金刚山景点提供补助。

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