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Then, hula dancers tell the ancient4 story of how the goddess Pele gave birth to the Hawaiian Islands.

Then, he rode the buses for five years as a minor-league manager before getting his chance to manage the Yankees in 1992. 后来,在1992执掌洋基队之前,他带领小联盟球队奔波5年之久。
Then, he said, On Memorial Day of this year, I was thumbing through a copy of the New York Daily News with my morning coffee when suddenly I felt as if I was struck by lightning. 接著,他说,在今年的阵亡将士纪念日那天,他正在翻阅纽约《每日新闻》,一边喝著早晨的咖啡,突然感觉自己像被电击了一样。
Then, how I compare with five or six years ago. 和过去几年相比,我不觉得自己有什么明显的变化。
Then, how to define the right, obligation and liability of the trustor, trustee and trust beneficiary, which are all arising from the trust property, is discussed to demonstrate whether the separation of right due to the assignability of trust property an 在此基础上,对信托财产权在委托人、受托人及受益人之间围绕信托财产所产生的一系列权利、义务和责任应如何界定,由信托财产可转让性产生的权利分离以及我国信托法关于信托财产权的保护规则是否符合效率原则等问题进行了论证。
Then, how to release stress? 那么,怎么样放松自己减轻压力。
Then, hula dancers tell the ancient4 story of how the goddess Pele gave birth to the Hawaiian Islands. 接着,草裙舞舞者上场了,她们以舞蹈的方式演出古老的故事,诉说火山女神裴蕾如何孕育出夏威夷群岛。
Then, if and when the mitochondrial DNA gets mutated so that one or more of the 13 proteins are no longer being synthesised inside the mitochondria, it won't matter -- the mitochondria will be getting the same proteins from outside. 那么,如果线粒体DNA发生突变,以致13种蛋白质中的一种(或一种以上)不再在线粒体内被合成时,就没有什么关系了?线粒体将从外部得到相同的蛋白质。
Then, if it turns out that their music or entertainers or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles irritate their parents, this gives them additional enjoyment. 然后,如果它结果他们的音乐或艺人或词汇量或衣裳或发型激怒他们的父母,这给他们另外的享受。
Then, if necessary, the second step is to write the input method based on the keyboard map. 然后,如果有必要,第二步是基于键盘图编写输入方法。
Then, if on the following day the option moves down to a lower bottom, you move the Trend Line to the low of that day and continue to move it down as long as it makes lower bottoms. 那么,如果在第二天选择点移动到较低的底部下面,你移动趋势线到那天低点的并且继续向下移动它,只要它创出较低的底部。
Then, if the molecules slow in vibration, the form can return from the fifth to the third dimension. 然后,如果分子振动减慢,形态又从第五维度返回到第三维度。

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