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Several important matters in pipe jacking construction are introduced, which are the design of jacking force, relay station and disposal of joints; moreover its effect factors and treating measurement are discussed.

Several hundred thousand years after inflation, matter declared final victory and cut itself loose from radiation. 在暴胀后数十万年,物质终于获得最后的胜利,并摆脱了辐射控制。
Several hypothetical future earthquakes in and around the Tokyo area have been the subject of extensive discussion in Japan for the past 25 years (see section 5 of ref. 1 ). 关于东京及其邻近区域可能发生几次假定的未来地震,一直是日本过去25年期间认真讨论的议题〔参看参考文献8的第5节〕。
Several illustrative examples arc appended to verify the efficiency of the proposed methods. 由实例的验证可知:本文所提之方法对于降低暂态温度效应的影响确属有效。
Several important factors effecting the latex properties of non-crosslinked powdered butadiene-acrylonitrile rubber were analyzed. 摘要分析了影响非交联型粉末丁腈橡胶专用胶乳性能的几个重要因素。
Several important key points are discussed:hull form development and basic design, foil-assistance system, ride motion control system, ship structure design and structure analysis, the processing of aluminum material and the corresponding examining techni 本计画在两年研究期间内,已针对参与技术策略联盟之厂商,完成五次二十项专题的技术辅导课程,强化国内船厂设计与建造,铝合金高速双体客轮的能力。
Several important matters in pipe jacking construction are introduced, which are the design of jacking force, relay station and disposal of joints; moreover its effect factors and treating measurement are discussed. 介绍了顶管施工中的几个重要问题:顶力设计、中继站和管接头的处理,并讨论了其影响因素及处理措施。
Several important tectonic events took place in the Chinese continent during the Early Paleozoic, such as the amalgamation of Xiyu plate, forming a unified crystalline basement with the Cathaysian plate, development of widespread intraplate deformations i 它们与苏格兰-阿帕拉契亚的加里东事件完全不同,在中国大陆出现了西域板块完成拼合,华夏板块构成统-结晶基底,南扬子板块广泛发育板内褶皱,此时还形成了阿尔泰-额尔古纳碰撞带等重要构造事件,而以中朝和北扬子板块为代表的其他板块则主要表现为稳定沉积,地块运移,并呈离散状态。
Several in the last years, rely on to borrow the mighty technique advantage, forerunner of production equipments, science of management method is with the perfect after-sales service, company of six brand 6 the small 9 disaster kiss the to finish to wring 几年来,凭借着强大的技术优势,先进的生产设备,科学的管理方式和完善的售后服务,公司的六个品牌遍布全国除西藏外的各个省、市、自治区、直辖市,为进一步满足客户需要,提高市场占有率,公司竭诚欢迎您加入立派全国连锁销售网络(各品牌在各大城市只设一个总代理,希望您把握先机,与我们共创辉煌!
Several incidents have been welded into an interesting narrative. 几个情节曲被融合成一个有趣的故事。
Several inferences have been made regarding fetal sentience based on ex-utero fetal experimentation 4-5 decades ago; however, these studies did not test explicitly for response to painfulstimuli (1). 关于胎儿感觉的几个推断建立在四、五十年前进行的宫外胎儿实验的基础上,但这些实验并未明确测试“疼痛”刺激的反应性[1]。
Several initiatives aim to promote the development and deployment of clean technologies within China itself. 由于中国增长造成的污染是一个非常大的问题,但是对于投资者来说它却提供了巨大的商机。

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