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From the basic theory of pedagogy and psychology, this paper has emphasized the principle of learning marine engineering English vocabulary hard to learn with flexible memory.

From the authors point of view, first, the procuratorates have the right of litigation; second, the purpose of procuratorates' bringing the civil action should be limited in the public benefit, without affecting the client's right of disposition; third, i 首先,检察机关提起民事诉讼拥有诉权;其次,检察机关提起民事诉讼仅限于公益目的,并不影响当事人行使处分权;再次,检察机关提起民事诉讼时,若能摆正自身在诉讼中的地位,并不会影响诉讼结构的平衡。
From the automatic production line which has a capacity of 1 million sets of energy-saving lamps per year, the products wide spread all over the world by it's own selling network in China, Asia and Europe. 产品遍布世界各地,拥有中国、亚州、欧州三大销售公司,具有年产100万套无极灯的自动化生产流水线。
From the bamboo work on lance to bamboo forest,and from the story of bamboo forest to being ambuscaded,then who? 从矛上的竹节工说到竹林,进而竹林里的故事,再进而成了埋伏,那么,打伏击的是谁呢?
From the basic principle of flow, we can build two compartmental models between intermission and sequent; and as well as develop the simulation software. 从水流的基本特性出发,分别建立了间歇操作和连续操作水箱(池)的分区数学模型,并在此基础上进行了计算机仿真应用软件的开发。
From the basic principles of regulation viewpoint balancing valve is actually an instruction manual for the regulation valves. 从调节基本原理上看,平衡阀实际上就是一种有开度指示的手动调节阀。
From the basic theory of pedagogy and psychology, this paper has emphasized the principle of learning marine engineering English vocabulary hard to learn with flexible memory. 文章从教育学与心理学的基本理论出发,提出了轮机英语词汇教与学两方面的侧重点,强调了艰苦学习与灵活记忆相统一的轮机英语词汇学习原则。
From the basis set out here a number of further functions may be developed and used in the calculation of filtration problems. 根据本文提出的基本原理,可以求得其它一些函数,以用于计算各种过滤问题。
From the basket of unleavened bread that was before the Lord, he took one unleavened cake and one cake of bread mixed with oil and one wafer, and placed them on the portions of fat and on the right thigh. 利8:26再从耶和华面前盛无酵饼的筐子里、取出一个无酵饼、一个油饼、一个薄饼、都放在脂油和右腿上。
From the beginning it appeared indistinct on maps, a tiny smudge not much bigger than a ladybug on a windshield, in the windward passage between Haiti and Jamaica. 从一开始,它在地图上看来就若有似无,一个小污点,不比挡风玻璃上的瓢虫大,位于海地到牙买加迎风的航线上。
From the beginning it was about the war. She sat down again, her hands right in her lap. 一开始就是关于战争的,她又坐下来,她的手就放在膝盖上。
From the beginning of 1998 companies from the mainland market into the international market, from a small workshop yesterday to today's well-known Chinese enterprises, sold far away to the Middle East, Europe, South America, Southeast Asia and other count 公司从1998年初由大陆市场跨入国际市场,由昨日的小作坊到今日的中国知名企业,远销中东、欧洲、南美、东南亚等国家。

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