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Hopes of a peace settlement are now fading.

Hopes and fears must be eliminated. 希望和恐惧就可以得到排除。
Hopes are fading for the survival of the missing climbers. 失踪的登山者幸存的希望越来越渺茫。
Hopes are placed on you. 希望寄托在你们身上。
Hopes of a happy ending are slim, however. 然而,希望有一个愉快的结局是不足取的。
Hopes of a peace setllement are now fading. 和平解决的希望正在消失.
Hopes of a peace settlement are now fading. 和平解决的希望越来越渺茫。
Hopes of a peaceful settlement are now fading. 和平解决的希望正在消失。
Hopes of reaching an agreement seem to be fading away. 达成协议的希望看来已逐渐渺茫。
Hopes of reaching an agreement were shattered today. 达成协议的希望今天搞砸了。
Hopes of transforming medicine with stem cell treatments in the next decade have been hyped up, leading fertility expert and TV presenter Lord Winston has claimed. 英国著名生殖学专家温斯顿爵士近日表示,那种希望干细胞疗法能在未来10年内彻底改变医学技术面貌的想法还“为时过早”,他反对生物科研领域中的大肆炒作风气。
Hopes that the talks could prompt further cross-border bank deals in Europe are probably unfounded. 似乎没有理由期待这场谈判能够引发更多的跨国银行并购。

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