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The practice process of the technological parameter of raw coal sizing screen rectified by Tianzhuang Coal Cleaning Plant was introduced in this paper, and it also gropes for the traditional size range of lump coal and slack coal.

The practice of signing with a former team and then retiring is unusual in baseball but more common in the NFL. 这次和前东家签约然后宣布退休的行为在棒球界不常发生,但是在美式足球NFL来说是很稀松平常的。
The practice of the United States is to make this fact known by proclamation. 美国的实务是要将占领的事实宣告出来的。
The practice of “making a new breed” purely for their looks and personal financial gain, is not, and never will be, justifiable. 这种纯粹为了外观和个人赢利而“制造一个新的品种”的行为是不允许,且永远没有理由的。
The practice or use of tricks; deception by stratagem. 欺骗,哄骗用诡计进行欺诈;用计谋进行的欺骗
The practice probably arose from the student's desire to soften the teacher's disposition, thus increasing the student's chances for a more favorable grade. 这一做法有可能源于学生想要缓和老师的心情,以增加自己取得更好的成绩的机会这一愿望。
The practice process of the technological parameter of raw coal sizing screen rectified by Tianzhuang Coal Cleaning Plant was introduced in this paper, and it also gropes for the traditional size range of lump coal and slack coal. 摘要笔者主要介绍了田庄选煤厂调整原煤分级筛工艺参数的实践过程,对传统意义上的块煤和末煤的粒度范围进行了有益的探索。
The practice proved that,Jiayi powder performance is better than anhydrous glucose ,carrier and so on. 实践证明加益粉性能完全优于无水葡萄糖等载体。
The practice proved uses the hot tubular real null set to be hot the solar energy air conditioning technology plan which and the absorption type refrigerator unifies is successful, it opened a new application domain for the solar energy light heat utiliza 实践证明采用热管式真空集热器与吸收式制冷机相结合的太阳能空调技术方案是成功的,它为太阳能光热利用技术开辟了一个新的应用领域。
The practice shows that it is effective to decrease the cracking of the concrete lining slab through the active adoption of those measures. 实践证明:通过采取积极的预防及控制措施,对减少混凝土衬砌板裂缝的产生是非常有效的。
The practice shows that the construction and operation of attestation is important for the safety of wireless public network terminal. 实践证明,接入认证部分的建设和投入运行对无线公网终端的推广建设起到了重要的安全保障作用。
The practice shows that the method is fully suited to measure the content of Magnesium, Manganese and Iron in the Pure nickel. 适用于纯镍中镁、锰、铁含量控制分析和样品系统分析。

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