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According to the moving characteristics of tracklayer, when the vehicle is on ramp and the ground's vertical pressure is linear, the calculating formulas of relationship between the deviation of the instantaneous steering center, the position of vehicle's

According to the mental behavior analysis of the reside mode for the three generations cohabitand the overseas practical example, this article re-constitutes its factor space of the building to meet with the request of the modem people life and puts forwa 摘要依据对“三世同堂”住宅模式中的人的心理行为分析,并参照国外的实例,按现代人生活的要求,重构其家居的要素空间,提出其科学的多代同居集合住宅模式。
According to the methods of preparations, microcrystalline starch can be used as food additives, health protection products and accessory therapeutic medicines. 有的可作食品添加剂,有的可作保健品和辅助治疗药物。
According to the ministry, 76 people have died and 13 are missing from torrential rains that have battered the region since June 6. 民政部消息称,6月6日开始的强暴雨造成了华南地区76人死亡,13人失踪。
According to the modeling of additive noise as α stable distribution process and the degeneration of traditional second order statistics based time delay estimation method under α stable distribution environments, a novel robust time delay estimation meth 摘要通过对附加噪声的α稳定分布建模,针对传统的基于二阶统计量的时间延迟估计方法在α稳定分布噪声环境下的退化现象,提出基于ROTH加权的韧性时间延迟估计新方法。
According to the most of net-friend's request, for convenience intercommunion in English, We establish English communion field today. 应部分网友要求,为方便大家用英文交流,今日起开通英文交流区。
According to the moving characteristics of tracklayer, when the vehicle is on ramp and the ground's vertical pressure is linear, the calculating formulas of relationship between the deviation of the instantaneous steering center, the position of vehicle's 摘要根据履带式车辆的运动特点,运用数力学中矢量分析理论和方法,推导了接地比压为线性分布时履带式车辆在斜坡上转向时,瞬时转向中心偏移量与车辆重心位置、转向半径、行进速度、加速度、车辆方位相互关系的计算公式。
According to the museum, it is the biggest of its kind in Germany and one of the five biggest in the world with more than 30 million objects in its zoological, palaeontological, geological and mineralogical collections and with its exhibition halls with a 馆方说,这是德国首见最大的展览,也是全世界五大展览之一,共将展出逾3,000万件动物学、古生物学、地质学及矿物学收藏品,展览馆总面积约6,500平方公尺。
According to the national basic standards for grading medical institutions, hospitals (except convalescence hospital), women and children care center (station), and disease prevention and cure center (station) in Shanghai shall be graded into three grades 根据国家医疗机构基本标准的分级规定,本市医院(除康复医院外)、妇幼保健院(所)、疾病防治院(所)分为三级、二级和一级3个等级。
According to the national related industry investment fund policing method stipulation, the industrial fund is one kind has not carried on the stockholder's rights to the going on the market enterprise to invest and to provide the set investment system wh 根据国家有关产业投资基金管理办法的规定,产业基金是一种对未上市的企业进行股权投资和提供经营管理服务的利益共享、风险共担的集合投资制度,即通过向多数投资者发行基金份额设立基金公司,由基金公司自任基金管理人或另行委托基金管理人管理基金资产,委托基金托管人托管基金资产,从事创业投资、企业重组投资和基础设施投资等实业投资。
According to the natural characteristics of Maowusu desert, insisting crop plantation animal husbandry should be mainly insisted with the innovation of science and technology. 5 kinds management patterns were developed for animal husbandry and in order to 摘要根据盐池县毛乌素沙地自然特点,坚持以发展种植业、畜牧业为主线,以科技创新为动力,开发出5种毛乌素沙地草地畜牧业经营模式并进行示范,以扩宽增加农民经济收入渠道,促进区域经济的发展,实现生态环境、经济、社会的协调发展。
According to the ned of the other projects in Yangkou Port and the outer market, and the planning of the 10,000,000 tons refinery project, the ethylene project is planned 1,000,000 tons. 规划依托洋口港建设乙烯项目,根据化工园区其它项目对乙烯的需求和外部市场的需求以及1000万吨炼油项目的规划,确定乙烯装置的能力为100万吨。

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