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the average tegmen thickness in most distal point of labyrinthine segment was .8 ± 0.mm. ?

The activition energies of B/CuO and B/BaCrO delay composition are diminishing with the augment of B in the delay composition. B/CuO和B/BaCrO_延期药的活化能随硼含量的增大而减小。
Otherlarva migrans had been excluded. 排除其它蠕虫移行症。
Charcot articulation in ; 夏科氏关节 例 ;
The threshold concentration of diet leading to pseudofeces production in Manila clam [shell length ( . ±0.0)cm; dry tissue weight (0.±0.0)g] was around .mg POM/L. 水温 ℃ ,投喂小球藻的条件下 ,实验结果显示蛤仔 [壳长 ( . ± 0 .0 )cm、软体部干重 (0 .± 0 .0 )g]产生假粪的阈值为 . mgPOM /L。
dendro-dendritic synapses by unlabelled presynaptic dendrites and labelled dendrites; 非HRP标记的突触前树突与HRP标记树突形成的树-树突触;
the average tegmen thickness in most distal point of labyrinthine segment was .8 ± 0.mm. ? 迷路段最远端的天盖平均厚度.8±0.mm;
ethinyl estradiol (EE) group A; 炔雌醇 (EE)A组 ;
quadriceps femoris and kneecap tendon inj ury in case( %)respectively; 股四头肌和髌韧带损伤各 例 ( % ) ;
Calamagrostis epigejos+Miscanths sacchariflorus Community. (7) Carex humida+Carex rhynchophysa Community. . Leaf-floating types : Polygonum amphibium Community. 挺水植物7个群落:水蒿,芦苇,菰,泽泻+慈菇,大基荸荠,拂子茅+荻,湿苔草+大穗苔草;
Separated from rot seeds' tissue , strains of pathogen and one eelworm have been purified . 仿)从种子病腐组织分离、初步鉴定得个种的病原真菌,镜检到一种线虫;
When compared with the degree of explanation under informed consent, specific risk was not informed mentioned,a higher score in positive symptom severity index was seen ( .± 0.8 vs .± 0. 7, P= 0.0). 详细谈话组阳性症状均分低于常规谈话组 (分别为 .± 0 . 7, . ± 0 .8,P =0 .0 ) ;

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