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According to what he said.I kown they would take over an experiment to clone a small particular planet in the test-tube.

According to under-statistics, tax avoidance of foreign enterprises in China appears so serious that the amount of which reaches as much as more than ten billion RMB per year. 在我国,据不完全统计,在华外资企业每年的避税金额达到上百亿元,外企避税问题在我国显得尤为突出。
According to various estimates, China has 400 warheads and an additional 200 to 575 weapons' worth of fissile material. 根据各方估计,中国拥有400枚核子弹头,库存原料可以另外制造200~575枚。
According to various modem heuristic approach, this paper analyzes the network correspondence programming method. 摘要基于各种现代启发式算法,对目前网络通信规划方法进行了相关分析和研究。
According to what Bible says, God has the right to make a lower vessel with this agglomerate of mud, and make a noble vessel with that agglomerate of mud, and all comes from the Creator's choice. 根据圣经所言,神有权拿这团泥做个卑微的器皿,拿那团泥做个高贵的器皿,一切都在乎造物主的选择。
According to what I have seen, those who plow iniquity And those who sow trouble reap the same. 8按我所见,那些耕罪孽、种毒害的人,都照样收割。
According to what he said.I kown they would take over an experiment to clone a small particular planet in the test-tube. 根据他说的情况,我了解到他们即将进行一项试验——在试管里克隆一个微型的特别星体。
According to years' production practice of Silver flotation process in certain plant's Zinc system and combining production status, the paper points out several ways to increase the output of flotation Silver under the prerequisition of not influencing th 摘要文章以株冶锌Ⅰ系统银浮选工序生产实践为例,结合目前生产现状,指出在不影响主系统生产的情况下,提高浮选银产量的几条重要途径。
According to you case, better have a few more treatments to consolidate the results. 根据你的情况,我想你再做几次治疗巩固一下效果为好。
According to your contract, you get 15 days' paid holiday a year. 根据你的合同,你每年有十五天的带薪假期。
According to your estimate, how many sales quantities at best can you complete this year? 据你估计,你能完成的最大年销售量是多少呢?
According to your estimate, what is the maximum a ual turnover you could fulfill? 据你估计,你能完成的最大年销售量是多少呢?

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