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Pathology examination showed astrocytoma in 7 cases, oligodendroglioma in cases, mixed-glioma in cases, cavernous hemangioma in case and gliosis in case.
病理为星形细胞瘤7例,少枝胶质瘤例,混合性胶质瘤 例,海绵状血管瘤和胶质增生各例。

Pathological Analysis of Geratic Period Dementia 老年期痴呆症的病理探析
Pathological Changes in Oviducts and Uteri Cornua Obstructed with Gum J_ in Rabbits J_胶粘堵家兔输卵管及子宫角后的病理变化
Pathological Manifestations of Hassall's Corpuscle in Accidental Thymic Involution 胸腺意外性萎缩的胸腺小体病理观察
Pathological Observation on Immune Organa and Nonimmune Organa of Special-Pathogen-Free(SPF) Chicks Inoculated with Very Virulent Infectious Bursal Disease Virus 鸡超强毒传染性法氏囊病发病全程中病理组织学观察
Pathological diagnoses showed cases (8 %) of ovary endometrial cyst, 0 ( 8%) of benign teratoma, ( %) of mesonephroma, 8 (7 %) of corpus luteum cyst, ( 7%) of serous tumor and (0 9%) fibroma. 术后病理诊断 :卵巢巧克力囊肿 例 (8 % )、良性畸胎瘤 0例 ( 8% )、卵巢冠囊肿 例 ( % )、黄素囊肿 8例 (7 % )、浆液性囊肿 例 ( 7% )、纤维瘤 例 (0 9% )。
Pathology examination showed astrocytoma in 7 cases, oligodendroglioma in cases, mixed-glioma in cases, cavernous hemangioma in case and gliosis in case. 病理为星形细胞瘤7例,少枝胶质瘤例,混合性胶质瘤 例,海绵状血管瘤和胶质增生各例。
Patients were divided into three groups depending on FCp at awaking:group Ⅰ with FCp>μg/L(n=8); group Ⅱ with FCp<μg/L and>0.μg/L(n=9); and group Ⅲ with FCp<0.μg/L(n=); 根据芬太尼血浆浓度将病人分为 组 :组 (n= 8) >.0μg/ L ,组 (n=9) <.0μg/ L、>0 .μg/ L ,组 (n=) <0 .μg/ L。
Patients of both groups were separately treated for 8 weeks,with thermic physiotherapy couch in treatment group,with field-effect therapeutic equipment and needleless electrode massor in control group. 治疗组采用温热理疗床治疗,对照组采用场效应治疗仪配合无针针灸按摩仪治疗,组均接受8个疗程治疗,每个疗程7d,期间休息d。
Patients received combination radiotherapy had a lower trismus than those of simple radiotherapy group (7.% VS .8%, P <0.0). 张口困难发生率综合放疗组低于单纯外照射组(7.%对 .8%,P<0.0)。
Patients undergoing reformative labia minora flap vaginoplasty had good configuration of vulvae and higher satisfactory of coital function (.7%) after surgery. 改良的小阴唇皮瓣法术后外阴形态及创面恢复良好,性生活满意率高(.7%)。
Patients were suffering from hypercapnia, hypernitremia, polyuria, and hyper natriuresis besides kalemia. 此外 ,还可出现高碳酸血症、氮质血症、多尿以及尿钠排出量明显增多等变化 ,而血钾的变化始终在正常范围内波动。

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