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A special program is designed to perform backward motion of cathode on the old locus when breakdown is occured and go on after geting rid of the occurance.

A special package will be delivered to my dear friend in America next week. 一个特别的包裹将会在下星期寄给我在美国的要好朋友。
A special pattern inserting disk on trolley jacquard machine is introduced. It is of help to new product development of the same type. 摘要介绍了一种新型的台车专用插片式提花轮的结构和原理,为台车产品开发者提供了有益的选择。
A special pavilion dedicated to education, training and research, this is an endeavor by the Govt. of Karnataka which will showcase products, services and developments from leading training providers and research institutes. 这个展台用于教育,培训和研究机构,届时将展出培训机构和研究机构的产品和服务。
A special prayer is spoken for the first sheet, closing the gates to the year behind, and opening the door to a new year, a new era, a new tomorrow. 燃烧第一部份目录时陈述一个特别的祷告,关上去年的大门,打开通往新的一年、一个新时代、一个新明天的大门。
A special process in the glass-blowing causes greater space between the molecules of the glass, leading to more surface area. 在吹制玻璃的特殊过程中,玻璃分子之间更大的空间导致了玻璃的更多表面。
A special program is designed to perform backward motion of cathode on the old locus when breakdown is occured and go on after geting rid of the occurance. 详细介绍了发生故障时,阴极按原轨迹回退和再进给至原加工点的编程方法。
A special roller in the roll stand of a web press that uses air-actuated grippers to hold the core of the roll of paper. 中义在轮转印刷的辊筒组中的一种特殊辊,使用气动式夹子固定住纸卷的轴心。
A special suture material is used to close the opening in the bladder. This suture is very strong yet causes minimal tissue reaction, and will slowly dissolve over several months. 一种特殊的材料用来缝合膀胱上的伤口。这种材料非常坚固让生理的反应最小,而且会在几个月后慢慢溶解。
A special team of police were kept on standby during the time of violence. 在发生暴乱期间,经常有一支警察特别小分队处于整装待命状态。
A special tweezer tool is provided for user with each screen to facilitate their installation but highly unlikely that you will be still using it after a few rounds. 针对每一种对焦屏都有一种特殊的镊子用来安装她,但是当你反复装卸几次之后就会变得非常的不可靠。
A special unit to be called the Crime Prevention Bureau has been set up in this city to deal with computer crimes, the local police declared on Friday. 当地警方在星期五宣称,该市已成立一个名为犯罪预防局的特别机构以对付计算机犯罪。

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