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Enhancing an eye ray in this manner burns the eyestalk out for a number of rounds equal to the amount by which the metamagic would normally increase a spell level.

Enhanced upper stratospheric ozone: Sign of recovery or solar cycle effect? 平流层上层臭氧的增强:是恢复或太阳周期作用的信号吗?
Enhancement in the animation engine computation speed. 优化了动画引擎的计算速度.
Enhancement of living space and quality of grass roots community. 改善基层的生活空间及质素。
Enhancement of the server's stability (Correction of Trace back). 增强了服务器的稳定性。
Enhances the functioning of white blood cells, helping to strengthen the body's immune system. 改善白血球的机能,增强身体免疫能力。
Enhancing an eye ray in this manner burns the eyestalk out for a number of rounds equal to the amount by which the metamagic would normally increase a spell level. 增强的眼球射线会灼烧眼梗,持续的回合数等同于该超魔专长提升的法术等级。
Enhancing the effects of or inducing a toxic reaction to light, especially to ultraviolet light. 光中毒的加强光的有毒反应影响的,或引起光的有毒反应的,尤指紫外线的光线
Enhancing the organizational adaptability by building and maintaining effective management systems. 通过建立和保持有效的管理系统来提高组织的适应能力。
Enhancing the sense of capital risk and capital benefits;competing in the market of real estate; investing in the new and high technology industry and regarding this as main business for development. 加强资产风险意识和资本效益意识,逐鹿房产市场,投资高新技术产业领域,并以此作为支撑业主发展的战略双翼。
Enid had never married, but had seemed content to live with her mother, and teach in a primary school round the corner. 伊妮德始终没结婚,但她似乎以跟老母同住,并任教于附近的一所小学而心满意足。
Enigma, adapted from British author Robert Harris's best-selling novel, tells the tale of Bletchley Park, Britain's top-secret code-breaking unit set up to smash the famous Enigma cypher used by the German U-boats. 《谜机》一片的剧本是以英国作家罗伯特·哈里斯的同名畅销小说改编而成的,小说讲述的是英国设立高机密密码破解小队破解德国U型潜艇使用的“谜机”密码的故事。

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