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Because of the potential risk for severe visual loss, orbital emphysema with associated vision dysfunction should prompt a CT scan and require decompression.

Because of the particular role of women in migration to develop and assist to poor household, the paper give a statistical description to the interrelation between the quality of women and migration to develop, data are obtained from questionnaire surveys 摘要鉴于妇女在扶贫开发中的特殊性,本文拟以2004年甘肃省河西玉门移民点的调查为依据,对农村妇女自身素质与开发移民之间的关系进行统计描述。
Because of the particularity of acoustic area transition and mixed sound, the problem of tenor is always difficult to solve. 摘要因声区转换及混声的特殊性,男声的高音演唱问题一直是比较难解决的。
Because of the peculiar geographic conditions and history factor restraint, agriculture herdsman quality is low, become to break the bottleneck of solving three dimensional rural issues. 由于特殊的地理环境和历史因素的制约,农牧民素质偏低成为破解西藏“三农”问题的瓶颈。
Because of the popularity of fax-machine and E-mail, business letter writing is experiencing a rebirth. 因为传真和电子邮件的普及,商务书信正经历着一轮新生。
Because of the positive results, we addressed some long-termed suggestions on the treatment and prevention for chronic patients with circulatory system diseases which is believed to have established a solid ground for the future. 在16年防治工作的基础上,我们提出了当前城市社区居民循环系统慢性病防治策略的建议,以促进慢性病防治的进一步开展。
Because of the potential risk for severe visual loss, orbital emphysema with associated vision dysfunction should prompt a CT scan and require decompression. 但如果有单向活塞的机制发生,空气将积蓄在眼框内;引起眼框内压力上升,压迫视神经及血管使视力受损甚至失明。
Because of the principal-agent relationship between the owner and the manager in modem enterprise, how to prevent the manager from opportunism behaviors is a crucial aspect in enterprise management with asymmetric information. 摘要现代企业的所有者和经理人之间是委托代理关系,如何防止信息不对称条件下经理人的机会主义行为是企业管理需要解决的重要问题。
Because of the rain, the game has been called off. (因为下雨,他们取消了那场比赛。)
Because of the real-time property, the application of this algorithm has more realistic meaning and a high application value for analysing the flows in time and accurately, for increasing the passenger of short way and to rule justice competition for the 该算法具有实时性,它的应用对及时准确地进行列车的客流量分析,减少铁路短途旅客的流失,规范旅客列车运营市场的公平竞争,具有一定的现实意义和应用开发价值。
Because of the reasons of the system, such as education, finance, social management etc, peasant worker's children's educational right fails to get good protection. 由于教育、财政、社会管理等体制方面的原因,民工子女教育权未能得到很好的保护。
Because of the recession, 由于经济萧条,

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