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America 2001 will be a series of new residential design trends, people will not just focus on the housing exterior, residential interior design, construction technology, building materials and market positioning will become a major factor affecting domest

Amendment of the commercial credit was advised. 商业信用证更改已通知。
Amendment to flood control planning should be subject to the approval from the original approval organ. 修改防洪规划,应当报经原批准机关批准。
Amendments to, abolition of, or disputes regarding treaties or agreements shall be dealt with by the competent authorities and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 其有修订、废止或发生争议时,主办机关应会同外交部处理之。
Amends or reparation made for an injury or wrong; expiation. 补偿为某一伤害或错误行为而做出的纠正或补救;补偿
Amensalism An association between two different species, at either the level of the individual organism or the population level, in which one is harmed and the other is unaffected. 偏害共生(栖):两个不同物种之间的联系,表现在个体水平或者种群水平上,任何一方受到伤害,另一方不受影响。
America 2001 will be a series of new residential design trends, people will not just focus on the housing exterior, residential interior design, construction technology, building materials and market positioning will become a major factor affecting domest 室内居住空间设计更加注重舒适而不仅仅是好看,这往往意味着低屋顶、更加有特色的室内装饰和更多的生活空间。
America Online announces it will acquire Netscape Communications in a stock-for-stock transaction worth US$4.2 billion. 1998年,美国在线宣布将通过市值42亿美元的股权交换收购网景公司。
America already lets people buy babies from surrogate mothers, and the risk of dying from renting out your womb is six times higher than from selling your kidney. 美国已经允许人们从“代理妈妈”那儿购买婴儿,并且死于租借子宫的风险比死于出售肾脏高出六倍。
America also needs to realise what will happen if the immigrants stop coming. 美国也须认识到移民不再涌入的后果。
America and Canada made the skilled migration polices in order to respond to the contest for global talents brought by information revolution and are very successful in attracting skilled migration. 技术移民之所以在全球备受青睐,与发达国家制定技术移民政策有密切的关系,美国和加拿大是成功吸引技术移民的国家,两国之所以制定技术移民政策,是为了应对信息革命带来的全球性人才争夺战。
America and China accepted the challenge to strengthen the ties that bind us, to cooperate for greater prosperity among our people, and to strive for a more secure and just peace in the world. 美国和中国为加强我们之间的纽带,为两国人民享有更高度的繁荣而合作,为争取世界更可靠和公正的和平,曾接受过时代的挑战。

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