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He job of cache coherency is done partially by the hardware and partially by the operating system.

He jeered at a defeated opponent. 他嘲弄被击败的对手.
He jerked his head back. 他猛地回过头来。
He jerked the fishing-rod out of the water. 他猛然从水中挑起鱼竿。
He jerked the string and the puppet jumped. 他猛地一拉绳子,木偶就跳了起来。
He jingled the money in his pocket. 他把口袋里的钱弄得叮当作响。
He job of cache coherency is done partially by the hardware and partially by the operating system. 保证高速缓存一致性的工作由硬件和操作系统共同分担。
He job-hopping to a famous compute company. 他跳槽去了一个著名的计算机公司。
He jockeyed me away. 他把我骗开。
He jogged her as he passed her. 他经过她身边的时候轻推了她。
He joined Ajax from Sparta Prague in 2003/04, winning the Dutch league title in his first season in Amsterdam. 他是在2003-04赛季从布拉格斯巴达转投阿贾克斯的,在阿姆斯特丹的首个赛季就随队赢得了荷兰联赛桂冠。
He joined an organization headed by Lord Berry. 他加入了一个以贝里勋爵为首的组织。

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