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Creative thinking is the antecedence of design.

Creative Power Entertaining (CPE) is a professional AV production house with a special strength in animated cartoon creation. 广东原创动力文化传播有限公司是一家集影视制作、卡通动漫创作于一体的专业影视制作公司。
Creative and open-minded, rational thinking and co-operate, make clear &simplify and problem solving. 有创造性,开放性思维,具理性思维和合作精神,解决问题简明了当。
Creative music group Chen-Hui-Yue-Lu, with whole new music creation of traditional stringed and woodwind instruments music as its frame, break rigid formation as general concert used to be that the audience, beyond limit of heir seats, could gaze again cr 创作乐团「澄怀乐吕」以全然原创的丝竹音乐为经纬,打破一般音乐会的僵化形式,让听众得以超越听众席的囿限,重新凝视生命和艺术之间的能量创造。
Creative problem solving and decision making skills. 创造性的问题解决和决策能力。
Creative thinking is a conscious effort to break away from old thought patterns in order explore new possibilities. 创造性思维是为了探索新的可能性而摆脱旧的思维模式的有意识努力。
Creative thinking is the antecedence of design. 创新性设计,必须有创新性思维。
Creative wear-resistant, anti-oxidation, reducing friction, reducing Oil Consumption magnetic nano lubricants. 独创抗磨损、抗氧化、减少磨擦、降低油耗的磁性纳米润滑油。
Creativity - This is crucial for a good playmaker. 创造力-这对于优秀的组织核心来说是至关重要的。
Creativity alone does not make a map good. 只有创造力也制不出好图来。
Creativity and originality have put Taiwan's music scene ahead. 创意和原创性让台湾歌坛发展持续向前进。
Creativity brings you the most content emotionally and spiritually when you get into the swing of your work and have your essential ability fulfilled. 生命的意义不在奉献或占有,而在创造,创造就是人的真性情的积极展开,是人在实现其本质力量时所获得的情感上的满足。

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