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The computed results compared favorably with measurements and the corresponding shock boundary-layer interaction and energy loose during transonic speed was described.

The computational expressions of rational shape functions are shown. 给出了多边形上有理函数插值形函数的计算表达式。
The computational formulas and criteria for safety evaluation of the earthquake resistance of the aqueduct structures are introduced herein; with which the final evaluations of the seismic safety for three types of aqueduct structures in Dongjiang-Shenzhe 摘要讨论了渡槽结构抗震安全性评价所依据的标准和计算公式,由数值分析结果,对东深供水改造工程中三类不同型式渡槽的抗震安全性进行了评价。
The computational results are helpful to reasonable design of power plant condensers. 计算结果对凝汽器的合理设计具有重要作用。
The computational results imply that a genetic algorithm is effective to solve complicated stochastic programming models. 同时证实了遗传算法能够有效地解决复杂的随机规划模型。
The computational results indicate that parameters estimation by Bayesian method and MCMC sampling has a high precision. 计算结果表明采用贝叶斯推理获得的模型参数估计具有很高的精度。
The computed results compared favorably with measurements and the corresponding shock boundary-layer interaction and energy loose during transonic speed was described. 以寻找出叶片对能量转换过程中,因气动力原因而造成能量损失的原因,进而提供改良建议。
The computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance image (MRI) features were discussed. 手术中,肿瘤完全被切除,并没有并发症。
The computer accesses an object through the use of one of the object's methods. 计算机通过使用对象的某种方法来使用这个对象。
The computer also provides data to electronically set the shell's time fuze as it is fired so that it detonates after travelling the correct distance. 弹道计算机同样在弹药发射时以电子方式提供数据设置弹药的引信时间以保证它在飞行正确的距离之后引爆。
The computer and mathematics have the intrinsic essence to relate, along with its fast development and the widespread application, will certainly the logarithm study education to bring the enormous influence. 计算机与数学有内在的本质联系,随着它的快速发展和广泛应用,必将对数学教育带来极大的影响。
The computer assembled the data by the instruction. 计算机在指令之下汇集数据。

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