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The existence of ancient cities excited them, and an archaeological free-for-all began.

The existence and relevant theorems of Homoclinic orbits for another generalized Lienard system are obtained. 摘要本文得到了另一广义系统,的同宿轨的存在条件及其相关定理。
The existence conditions of helical equilibrium are discussed as a special configuration of the rod. 作为特殊的平衡状态,讨论杆的螺旋线平衡的存在条件。
The existence of The Expectant Duty Behaviorhas its objective, realistic social foundation. “准职务行为”的存在有其客观的社会现实基础。
The existence of a negative energy spectrum presents some conceptual problems which can only be overcome in a many particle formalism. 负能谱的存在暴露了一些仅能在微粒论中才得以克服的概念上的困难。
The existence of an armistice does not warrant relaxation of vigilance in the service of security and protection, or in the preparedness of troops for action, or exposing positions to the enemy. 休战状态并不代表可放松有关安全与保护的警戒心,或放松军队战开行动的准备,或将己方暴露于敌方。
The existence of ancient cities excited them, and an archaeological free-for-all began. 古城的存在让他们兴奋不已,于是掀起了一阵考古热潮。
The existence of black holes in the universe is well supported by astronomical observation, particularly from studying supernovae and X-ray emissions from active galactic nuclei. 天文学观察很好地支持了宇宙中黑洞存在,特别从研究来自活跃的银河核心超新星和X光辐射。
The existence of divergent national or regional standards can create technical barriers to trade, even when there is political agreement to do away with restrictive import quotas and the like. 当地方标准和国际标准发生分歧时,它将阻碍贸易的发展,甚至于当官方已废除配额出口的时候也如此。
The existence of fixed point for some class of order-compression decreasing operators is studied, and some existence and uniqueness theorems are obtained. Finally, we give an example of application. 摘要研究了在序压缩条件下非紧减算子的不动点的存在性,得到了新的不动点定理,并给出了一个应用的例子。
The existence of generalized lymphadenopathy in association with malnutrition, especially when parents were suffering from tuberculosis,suggests that the pericardial effusion is most probably tuberculous in origin. 另外广泛的淋巴结病变合并营养不良,尤其是其父母有结核感染,提示心包积液很可能是结核病变。
The existence of legal department is an objective phenomenon, but is also created subjectively. 摘要法律部门是客观现象,又是人为地划分的。

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