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Although he has permanent US residency rights, he feared that if he approached the police they might detain him because he was not carrying any identification.

Although he has long been dogged by rumors that he supported the fascist regime of Francisco Franco, he actually served in the medical corps of the Republican Army (which opposed Franco during Spain's civil war) while he was a medical student. 虽然传言不断,说他支持法朗哥的法西斯政权,但实际上他在当医学生时,曾加入共和军的医疗部队,而共和军在西班牙内战时,可是与法朗哥敌对的。
Although he has never been to that city before, he knew its history long time ago. 他虽然从未到过那个城市,却早已了解了它的历史了。
Although he has origins in Norse and pre-Christian mythology, Santa Claus took shape in the United States. 虽然他起源于挪威人和基督教以前的神话,但在美国,圣诞老人被赋予了具体形象。
Although he has performed well so far this season, the former Inter and Juventus man turns 35 next months and will be out of contract in June, so the club would do well to cash in on him now. 虽然这个赛季他表现很好,这个从前的国米和尤文队员将会在下个月满35,合同也将在六月份到期,所以俱乐部将用他换取一些现金。
Although he has permanent US residency centers, he feared thatifhe approached the police they might detain him because he wasnotcarrying any identification. 虽然穆托享有美国永久居住权,但是他觉得如果他报警也许警察会因为他没有携带任何证件而拘留他。
Although he has permanent US residency rights, he feared that if he approached the police they might detain him because he was not carrying any identification. 虽然穆托享有美国永久居住权,但是他觉得如果他报警也许警察会因为他没有携带任何证件而拘留他。
Although he has scored two goals this season, his sharpness in and around the box is taking time to show, although his overall team play has been good. 虽然他本赛季已经打入两球,而且在全队中的表现十分出色,今晚他将在对方禁区内外等待机会,并等待给对手沉重一击。
Although he has sold assets, raising euro15.4 billion since 2001 to pay down debt, Telecom Italia still has debts of euro41.3 billion, almost equal to its stockmarket value. 尽管他已经卖掉许多公司资产,融资154亿欧元来支付其债务,意大利电信仍然背负高达413亿欧元的债务,这个数字几乎与其股票市值相等。
Although he has some shortcoming, he is the best student in all. 他有缺点,但仍不失为班上最好的学生。
Although he is a amateur, he is a top superior. 虽然他只是个业余爱好者,但却是一流的高手.
Although he is a amateur,but is a professional. 虽然他只是个业余爱好者,但却是一流的高手.

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