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Democrats are trying to capitalize on falling public support for the war in Iraq and for the president's leadership.

Democratization in the Arab World? 阿拉伯世界的民主化?
Democrats and Republicans spoke after the Senate followed the House in approving the war funding conference report endorsing a goal of withdrawing most U.S. combat forces by April 2008. 在参议院紧接着议会通过了关于战争拔款的法案,且签署了美军必须在2008年4月之前全部撒出伊拉克的目标之后,民主党和共和党在新闻发布会上作了讲话。
Democrats are also running attack ads. 民主党派也正在操纵攻击广告。
Democrats are hoping that dissatisfaction with the war in Iraq will help them [retake] control of one or both houses of congress. 民主党人希望人们对伊拉克战争的不满能帮助他们重夺一个甚至两个议院的控制权。
Democrats are hoping that dissatisfaction with the war in Iraq will help them retake control of one or both houses of Congress. Howard Dean, is chairman of the Democratic party. 民主党方面期待着民众对伊拉克战争的不满能帮助他们重新夺回两院控制权或者其中的一个。霍华德狄恩是民主党的主席。
Democrats are trying to capitalize on falling public support for the war in Iraq and for the president's leadership. 民主党试图将利用民众对于伊战和总统的领导能力不断下降的支持率。
Democrats argued that President Bushs tough-talking nominee would only hurt Americas image abroad. 民主党党员主张布希总统言辞犀利的候选人只会伤害美国的海外形象。
Democrats chairman Yeung Sum praised Mr Tien for having made a brave and prudent move and appealed to independent legislators not to withdraw their support for a deferral of the bill. 民主党主席杨森赞扬田北俊的决定勇敢和明智,并呼吁其它独立议员继续坚持要求延迟立法。
Democrats cranked up the pressure on Tuesday with House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi alleging Republicans had tried to cover up the Foley matter. 民主党周二继续施压,终议院民主党领导人南希·佩利斯宣称共和党人曾试图掩盖佛利事件。
Democrats have enlisted a wide range of special interest groups to lobby against the proposal, including labor unions and retiree organizations. 民主党派已经鼓动很多特别利益团体游说反对这个提案,这些团体包括工会和退休人士组织。
Democrats have long complained that the 2003 restrictions keep seniors' prices in the Part D drug plan artificially high. 民主党长期抱怨2003年的限制人为提高了老年人药品价格。

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