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Null pointer might not compare equal with a variable that has the value 0.

Nudity and topless bathing are still taboo in the poor Balkan country. 全身或上身赤裸在贫穷的巴尔干半岛国家仍然是被禁止的。
Nudity, sex scenes, and scenes of drug use are absent; violence is minimal; snippets of dialogue may go beyond polite conversation but do not go beyond common everyday expressions. 没有裸体、性爱和毒品镜头;暴力镜头控制在最小限度;少量的对话片段可能不够文明,但不超出日常表达的范围。
Nukaga told parliament in Tokyo Thursday that Japan wants to eed up work it has already begun, in cooperation with the United States, on a mi ile-interceptor network. 额贺福志郎星期四在东京对日本国会议员说,日本希望加快已经开始的与美国合作研制导弹拦截系统的步伐。
Nukaga told parliament in Tokyo Thursday that Japan wants to speed up work it has already begun, in cooperation with the United States, on a missile-interceptor network. 额贺福志郎星期四在东京对日本国会议员说,日本希望加快已经开始的与美国合作研制导弹拦截系统的步伐。
Null Subjects In Child English: A Grammatical Phenomenon? 儿童英语中的空主语:一种语法现象?
Null pointer might not compare equal with a variable that has the value 0. 这一句是说空指针不同于“值为0的变量”,因为数值上虽相同,但类型不同,我是这么理解的。
Null pointers for two different types are sometimes different. 两种类型的空指针有时不同。
Nullifying Field - This power summons a dispersion field that nullifies the effects of an incoming spell or psychic ability. (Counterspell. 制造一个保护场使敌人的魔法和物理特技无效。
Numb, an important regulator of asymmetric cell division and cell-fate determination, has been implicated in different aspects of neural development in mammals. 生物谷报道:机体的不对称发育情况十分常见,在神经系统中表现十分广泛,左右大脑皮层功能是不同的等,那么其中的机理是什么呢?
Number 16, built in 1763, is at the centre of a terrace of houses on Moore Street where the GPO rebels fled to on April 28th. 毛街16号建于1763年,是毛街上一排房子中间的一间,4月28日邮政起义军逃到了这里。
Number 2, I wasn't pissed off at my dad, even when I was old enough to know what he and mom were doing in the bedroom. 第二,我没有让我爸滚开,甚至我老到知道他和我妈在卧室干了些什么。

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