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For example, in winter wheat a high incidence of weeds immediately after wheat emergence reduces tiller development.

For example, in the Chinese market the company has already supplied the stage systems for the China National Grand Theater in Beijing, the locks for the Three Gorges project, and the automation systems for the first ferry terminal over the Qiongzhou Strai 比如,在中国市场,博世力士乐为北京的中国国家大剧院提供了舞台系统,为三峡工程提供了水闸,为琼州海峡的第一条轮渡铁路码头提供了自动化系统,使该轮渡铁路码头系统拥有抵抗台风级别大风的能力。
For example, in the current research, the authors observe strong product contagion effects with lard as a source of contagion. 比如,在这次研究中,作者发现猪油作为传染源会产生强烈的产品传染效应。
For example, in the development of the plant embryo from the zygote, one end becomes the radicle, the other gives rise to cotyledons. 例如植物由合子到胚的发育,一端形成胚根,另一端成为子叶。
For example, in the future vision I give below: If I had known WHO the well known person I saw addressing a crowd below WAS, and recognised the country; I could have made an accurate prediction of future events instead of being wise, AFTER the event. 例如,我看到了以下的未来景象:如果我早知道我看到正在向群众演讲的那个名人是谁,并认出那个国家;我就可以做出一个准确的未来事件的预言,而不是事后诸葛亮了。
For example, in the past 24 hours I have shaken a large spider from a bath towel; taken care not to hit a frog with my car; carried a hitchhiking grasshopper on my bike; been leapt on by a big dog; been rubbed against by a small cat; fed upon a chicken; b 举例来说,我自己在过去24小时内,便把一只大蜘蛛从浴巾上甩掉、注意开车时不要压到青蛙、骑脚踏车时让蝗虫搭便车、被一只大狗扑上来、一只小猫靠过来摩擦、吃鸡、喂蚊子。
For example, in winter wheat a high incidence of weeds immediately after wheat emergence reduces tiller development. 冬小麦刚出苗时如杂草太多,将使小麦分蘖数降低。
For example, in1543 as a time when most people believed that the sun and the planets circled around the earth, a man named Copernicus suggested that the earth and the other planets revolved around the sun. 例如,在1543年,就在大多数人相信太阳和其他行星是绕地球运转的时候,有一个叫哥白尼的人却提出,地球和其他行星是绕太阳运转的。
For example, information required to effect a recall must be available at short notice. 例如,需要召回产品就应当在短时间内立即完成。
For example, inputting English characters with a 104-key keyboard is straightforward (mostly one-to- one - that is, one key stroke produces one character), while inputting English with mobile phone keypad requires some more steps. 例如,用104键键盘输入英文字符是非常简单的(基本上是一一对应——即,一次击键产生一个字符),而用手机键盘输入英文就需要更多的步骤。
For example, iron deficiency results in CHLOROSIS between the veins, particularly in young leaves that are still synthesizing chlorophyll. 例如铁的缺乏可以导致缺绿症,特别是在那些可以合成叶绿素的新生叶片中。
For example, it appears from their brain structure that toothed species are unable to smell. 打个比方,从他们的大脑结构看来,锯齿类鲸不能闻。

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