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The report by the all-party parliamentary group on central Africa says the general breakdown in state control caused by the war in Congo has created a free-for-all atmosphere being exploited by arms traffickers and local warlords.

The report appears in the September issue of The Lancet Oncology. 报告刊登在柳叶刀肿瘤学9月号上。
The report attributes the reduction in child labor to increased political will and public awareness of the problem. 这份报告认为,童工减少是因为人们提高了解决这个问题的政治意志,加强了对这一问题的关注。
The report begins the study of the experts in the related field in Hebei Province, performs an analysis of the factors of the social environment and those of construction of the expert team, and further proposes the strategies for improvement. 从调查分析河北省哲学社会科学专家队伍的现状入手,研究了社会环境等诸因素对哲学社会科学专家队伍建设的影响和制约,进而提出了加强和完善哲学社会科学专家队伍建设的对策。
The report brought about a decisive change in the whole policy. 这个报告使整个方针发生了决定性的变化。
The report by Pentagon acting inspector general Gimble backs earlier assertions made by the intelligence community before the U.S.-led invasion that Iraq and al-Qaida had no operational ties. 国防部代理总监察长金布尔提出的报告,与情报部门在以美国为首的联军进攻伊拉克之前所得出的结论吻合,即伊拉克和基地恐怖组织之间没有行动上的联系。
The report by the all-party parliamentary group on central Africa says the general breakdown in state control caused by the war in Congo has created a free-for-all atmosphere being exploited by arms traffickers and local warlords. 各党派议员中非小组作出的报道称,由于在刚果的战争而造成的国家失控已经给被武器偷运者和当地军阀创造出了他们梦寐以求的混战状态。
The report calls Beijing's evictions a flagrant violation of people's right to adequate housing. 这个报告称北京强迫拆迁公然违犯民众拥有适当住房的权力。
The report calls for a National Preparedness System to unify federal,state,and local responses to natural disaster or terrorist attack. 这份报告呼吁建立国家准备系统,统一联邦、州和地方政府的反应,以应对自然灾害和恐怖袭击。
The report came out last Tuesday, which was world day against child labor. 报告是上周二发布的,正好是世界儿童节(反童工日)。
The report cites 10 potential obesity risk factors in all, including: increased rates of older mothers, whose children may be more prone to excess weight gain; a range of medications, such as antidepressants, which can promote weight gain; and a decrease 研究报告列举了诱发肥胖的十大因素:大龄妈妈比例增加,她们的后代可能更容易超重;一些药物会导致体重超标,如抗抑郁病药;烟民比例减少——尼古丁有抑制食欲的作用,所以吸烟者一旦戒烟会导致体重增加。
The report cites other examples of promising federal programs that have yet to reach their potential. 报告引述了一些令人乐观的政府计划作为例子,但这些计划还没有发挥其潜力。

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