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All loading pads shall be capable of pivoting in relation to the direction of the applied force and the pivot point shall be as close as practically possible to the load surface.

All literature answers to something in life, some habitual form of human expression. 文学本来不外是生活中某种事物的反响,人类某种表达习惯的再现。
All living cells send out tiny pulses of electricity. 所有生物细胞都会发出微小的电脉冲。
All living organisms regardless of their unique identity, 所有生物体, 不论特有的个性如何,
All living things depend on the sun for their growth. 万物生长靠太阳。
All living things need clean water. 人类需要洁净的水喝、烹调、清洗.
All loading pads shall be capable of pivoting in relation to the direction of the applied force and the pivot point shall be as close as practically possible to the load surface. 所有的坐垫要能够做到相对于用力方向的绕轴旋转以及该旋转点要和承载面尽可能地靠拢。
All local people's governments should lend support to people's courts in trying cases of disputes over financial claims and debts independently and impartially according to law, strengthen the cultivation of the sense and mentality of legality, and create 各地人民政府要支持人民法院依法独立、公正审理金融债权债务纠纷案件,加强法律意识和法制观念的培育,营造良好的法治环境。
All localities and departments must strictly implement the uniform national policies governing foreign-related taxation, and may not exceed their respective authorities to determine preferential treatment on foreign-related taxation. 五、任何地区、部门都必须严格执行国家统一的涉外税收政策,不得超越权限自定涉外税收优惠规定。
All localities and departments shall attach great importance to those provisions, pay close attention to the work of checking up the existing administrative lawenforcing institutions of various types, and as early as possible rectify the cases where admin 各地方、各部门对这一规定要高度重视,抓紧清理现行各类行政执法机构,凡是行政机关内设机构以自己名义实施行政处罚的,或者法律、法规以外的其他规范性文件授权组织实施行政处罚的,或者没有法律、法规、规章依据行政机关自行委托组织实施行政处罚的,都要尽快予以纠正。
All localities and departments should make great effort at publicity on financial laws, raise the sense of financial safety in the whole society, and maintain the proper relationship of social credit. 各地区、各部门要加大金融法制宣传的力度,提高全社会的金融安全意识,维护正常的社会信用关系。
All localities of its occurrence are within Country Parks under protection. 其生长地点位于郊野公园而受到保护。

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