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The document informatics is a science that specializes in the general law of the document information activities, and it is a sub-science now.

The document does spell out some health policies in detail, such as how much radiation astronauts can be exposed to from space travel (No more radiation than the amount that would increase the risk of cancer by 3 percent over the astronaut's career) and t 文件中的确详细载明某些健康政策,如太空人太空之旅会暴露于多大的辐射线下(太空人一生暴露于辐射的量,不得高于会使致癌率增加3%的剂量),另外,太空人每周工时不得超过48小时。
The document file in which a file-based application saves data if no filename is given by the user. 缺省文档文件:基于文件的应用程序保存数据时,如果用户未输入文件名则缺省保存在该文件中。
The document got trampled under foot. 那份文件被人们嗤之以鼻。
The document had been typed on a small portable. 这份文件是用便携式打字机打的.
The document has been approved by the Legislative Yuan in advance. 二事先经立法院同意签订者。
The document informatics is a science that specializes in the general law of the document information activities, and it is a sub-science now. 摘要文献信息学是专门研究文献信息活动一般规律的科学,目前尚属于潜科学。
The document is treated as confidential. 这份文件被视为机密的。
The document issued by a company or fund setting out the terms of its public equity issue or debt raising. 公司(或者基金)公开发行股票(或者公开筹措资金)时所发布的文件。文件提供公司(或者基金)背景以及财务和管理状况等信息.
The document purported to be official. 这份文件据称是官方的。
The document requires substantial changes. 这个文件需要做一些重大的修改。
The document shall be legalized at the nearest consulate. 这些文件应在就近领事馆得到认可。

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