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As a cold case homicide investigator, I noticed this particular crime scene inside.

As a class of nonlinear multivariable objects, which characteristics is difficult to identify, the wing-in-surface effect crafts need adopt more complicated control laws and integrated information-control systems to ensure the flight safety and control ef 作为一类非线性、多变量且很难辨识的受控对象,地效飞机应采用更加复杂的控制律和信息——控制综合系统,以最大限度地保证低高度的飞行安全和操控效率。
As a classically trained musician, does Wang ever feel stifled having to make commercial pop music that basically cashes in on his good looks and dance moves, rather than his musical prowess? 作为一位受古典训练出身的音乐人,力宏是否曾经挣扎过必须创作很商业的流行音乐,那些基本上靠着脸蛋和舞蹈赚钱的歌曲,而非他本身高超的音乐内涵?
As a clinical physician, professor Zhang is good at treating internal medical diseases, gynecological diseases, pediatric diseases, especially all kinds of kidney diseases, hemicycle, fever, cough, tumor, immunology diseases and so on. 长年从事中医养生学研究,承担国家科技部、自然基金等研究课题,临床擅长治疗各种肾脏疾病、偏头痛、发热、咳嗽、肿瘤、免疫类疾病、内分泌疾病、月经病等内妇儿科杂症。
As a coal miner, Mr. A always looks like something the cat dragged in. (A先生是个煤矿工人,看来总是脏兮兮。)
As a cohort of Asian founders leaves the scene, those in the east face the same test. 随着大批亚洲家族企业创始人退下权位,东方的企业也面临着同样的考验。
As a cold case homicide investigator, I noticed this particular crime scene inside. 作为一名已事过境迁的杀人案件的调查者,我注意到了这个特别犯罪场景的内情。
As a cold-atom physicist, I had only a vague idea of the technologies behind this progress. 我是个研究冷原子的物理学家,对这些进展背后的技术只有粗浅的概念,现在却置身其中。
As a colleague of mine who reviews Chinese music albums noted: Hong Kong music is becoming formulaic, bland, unoriginal, over-produced, infantile and altogether uninspiring. 就如同我一位同事在评论华语音乐时点出:香港音乐已经转变为俗套、枯燥、抄袭、过度生产、幼稚的程度,总体而言—引不起大家兴趣。
As a collection of people, a group needs to relearn some basic manners and people-management skills. 作为人的集合体,有些团队成员需要重新学习基本的礼貌及如何管理人们的能力。
As a collective work handed down by word of mouth, folk oral narration is characteristic of formula, the cultural archetype of which lays a foundation for writers' literary creation. 摘要民间口承叙事作为一种在民间口耳相传的集体性创作作品,因其所具有的类型性,以及这种类型性中蕴涵的文化原型,为作家文学创作莫定叙事的基调。
As a college newspaper editor at that time, I protested against this just as vehemently as student activists are protesting today. 当时作为校报编辑,对这些我曾经猛烈地抗议过,像今天的学生积极分子一样。

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