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The beach defenses were softened up before the landing craft went in.

The bawdy Middle Ages, as Mr McLaren explains in his admirably deadpan prose, “once again made impotence a laughing matter”. 不堪的中世纪,麦克拉伦用他极其冷静的笔触说道,“再一次让阳萎成为笑柄”。
The bazaar was a kaleidoscope of strange sights and impressions. 集市的景象光怪陆离, 纷然杂陈.
The bazaar was a kaleidoscope of strange sights and impressions. 集市的景象光怪陆离,纷然杂陈.
The bbc is hooked up with Australian television by satellite. 英国广播公司通过卫星与澳大利亚电视实行联播。
The beach defences were softened up before the landing craft was in. 在登陆艇驶入以前,海滩防御工事已遭削弱。
The beach defenses were softened up before the landing craft went in. 在登陆艇驶入以前,海滩防御工事已遭到削弱。
The beach is a good place to fish from. 海滩是钓鱼的好地方。
The beach life-guards usually flag one another for communication. 海滨救生员通常用旗号传达讯息。
The beach was packed with day trippers. 海滩上到处都是当日远足的人。
The beach was swarming with bathers. 海滩上挤满了游泳的人.
The beaches in Malaysia are superior to those in the Philippines. 马来西亚的沙滩优于菲律宾的沙滩。

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