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“Hot spring water right” means the authority to divert, extract and use hot spring water or to use beneficially pursuant to the Water Act.

“Hopefully there will be no reaction and he can push on from here. “希望不要出现不良反映,然后他就可以真正的从伤病中走出来了。”
“Hot spring fountainhead” means a natural site where the hot spring is discharged. 四温泉露头:指温泉自然涌出之处。
“Hot spring hole” means the reclaimed source of the hot spring. 五温泉孔:指以开发方式取得温泉之出处。
“Hot spring licensee” means a person who obtains the hot spring right or mining right and provides for private use or other persons to use. 七温泉取供事业:指以取得温泉水权或矿业权,提供自己或他人使用之事业。
“Hot spring mining right” means the authority to explore or mine the hot spring gas or geothermal (steam) pursuant to the Mining Act. 三温泉矿业权:指依矿业法对于温泉之气体或地热(蒸气)取得探矿权或采矿权。
“Hot spring water right” means the authority to divert, extract and use hot spring water or to use beneficially pursuant to the Water Act. 二温泉水权:指依水利法对于温泉之水取得使用或收益之权。
“Hot spring” means thermal water, or cold water, or gas, or geothermal (steam) which conforms to the standards. 一温泉:符合温泉基准之温水、冷水、气体或地热(蒸气)。
“Houston, we have a problem. “休斯顿,出问题了.”
“How about a chalk line?” she says at last. “We draw a line on the ground-football on one side and tag on the other! “划一道线怎么样?”她终于开了口,“我们在地上划一道貌岸然线,这边你们踢球,那我们玩游戏!”
“How can I?” I said at length. “Let me go, if you want me to let you in! “我怎么能够呢?”我终于说。“如果你要我让你进来,先放开我!”
“How can helmets protect you? They BREAK if you fall! 头盔是怎样保护你的?如果你摔倒,头盔会破裂,而不是你。

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