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If there is no arbitral clause concluded between the parties in the contract and no written arbitration agreement is reached subsequently, the parties may bring a lawsuit in the people's court.

If there is insufficient oxygen, and if you assume your fuel is carbon-based, then any unburned fuel should become smoke. 如果那里没有足够的氧气,并且假设你的燃料是基于碳的,然后任何没有完全燃烧的燃料将变成烟。
If there is misalignment of structure and systems, you will not have empowerment or trust. 如果在体制和结构上有不合理的地方,就不会对员工下放权力,也不会有信任。
If there is no Chinese (Traditional) - COFAST_PinYin, click addbutton. (如果没找到〔中文(繁体)-便捷拼音〕,请点选〔新增〕。)
If there is no agreement the first athlete allocated to a target butt will shoot on the left, the second athlete will shoot in the middle and the third athlete on the right. 若无法协议,排第一位之选手站面靶之左边,第二位选手站中间,第三位选手站右边。
If there is no ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patient organisation in your country, the following may help you and your fellow patients to prepare the foundation of such a society which is extremely helpful for living with the disease. 如果你的国家还没有AS患者组织,下面资料可以帮助你和你的病友们准备成立这样一个协会,这在疾病伴随你的一生中会有用的!
If there is no arbitral clause concluded between the parties in the contract and no written arbitration agreement is reached subsequently, the parties may bring a lawsuit in the people's court. 当事人没有在经济合同中订立仲裁条款,事后又没有达成书面仲裁协议的,可以向人民法院起诉。
If there is no call registered within a predetermined period of time , the car fan and car light are automatically shut off to conserve energy. 在规定的时间内,没有召唤或指令信号,轿内的风扇和照明会自动关闭,以节省能源。
If there is no coal, oil can be used instead. 如果没有煤,可以用石油来代替。
If there is no efficient way to control the account receivable aggradation, it will be more and more while the quantity of sales is bigger and bigger, and it will affect the normal produce. 但赊销量过大,内部管理控制不到位容易造成应收账款沉积数额较多,影响企业正常生产经营。
If there is no future for the black ghetto , the future of all Negroes is diminished . 如果黑人区没有前途,所有黑人的前途也会渺茫。
If there is no indication in the credit of the insurance coverage required, the amount of insurance coverage must be at least 110% of the CIF or CIP value of the goods. 信用证对于投保金额为货物价值、发票金额或类似金额的某一比例的要求,将被视为对最低保额的要求。

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