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As the body rises in frequency, you can integrate the polarity or opposites in yourself.

As the blood ... his blood ... was streaming Down his naked body ... this naked body. 当血液。。。他的鲜血。。。这样不断奔涌出他赤裸的身体。。。这赤裸裸的躯体。
As the boat neared shore, the squall flipped it upside-down. 当船快靠岸的时候,暴风把它掀了个底儿朝天。
As the boat slid across the river, Parker watched helplessly as the pursuers closed in around the men he was forced to leave behind. 小船徐徐驶向对岸,帕克眼睁睁地看着追捕者把他被迫留下的两个男人围住。
As the body attunes itself, it may be a channel where there may be instant healing with the laying on of hands. 当身体调谐自身,它会是一个通道,将手放在患处,会即刻获得治愈。
As the body count rose, Gainesville Police Chief Wayland Clifton called for help from the FBI, the Florida Highway Patrol and other agencies. 随着尸体不断被发现,盖斯威尔警察局长维兰·克利夫顿向中央情报局、弗罗里达公路巡逻队和其他机构请求帮助。
As the body rises in frequency, you can integrate the polarity or opposites in yourself. 当形态的频率上升,你能整合自己的极性和对立面。
As the body uncoils each segment should stop (decelerate) as the next body segment accelerates. 正如身体解盘绕一般,当下一个身体片段加速的时候,当前的每一个片段应该停止(减速)。
As the book is Creative Commons licensed, you are encouraged to copy, read, share, remix, convert, quote, browse, and print the PDF to your liking. 该书遵从知识共享许可协议,你可以复制、阅读、分享、混合、转换、引用、浏览以及打印这份PDF文档.
As the boom in commodities prices stretches into its fifth year, mining company executives are more bullish than ever. 随着大宗商品价格连续第5年迅猛上涨,矿业企业高管们比以往更为乐观。
As the boy grows older and reaches the Sixth Form he will be given great scope and encouragement to develop intellectually in his own way. 当孩子们长大一些进入六年级时,他们会得到更多的机会和鼓励来发展自己的独立思考能力。
As the brake lever and shifter are one unit, there are two versions, one for cable brakes and one for hydraulic disc brakes. 由于变速拨杆与刹车把是一体化结构,所以分别有油碟版和拉线版两种闸变版本可选。

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