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You will be sorry for this some day.

You will be responsible for leading and motivating your team, and maintaining an atmosphere that is always active and pleasant. 你将负责领导并激励你的团队并一直保持一种积极和愉快的工作氛围。
You will be rigid in your opioions when you are talking with him. 你跟他说话的时候,要坚持己见。
You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety. 18你因有指望就必稳固,也必四围巡查,坦然安息。
You will be so impressed at how well it works that after you have tried this combination you will never use anything else! 在你试了这款组合之后,你会觉得它我效果非常好,而且你不再想用其它的产品了。
You will be sorry for it later. 你之后将会为此而感到遗憾的。
You will be sorry for this some day. 总有一天,你会后悔这件事的。
You will be tested on the material by the hackers who will indubitably attempt to penetrate your site. 一些黑客在尝试入侵你的站点时你的安全知识就会得到检验。
You will be the first to leave. 你是第一个要走的人。
You will be the first to speak. 你将是第一个发言的。
You will be truly free and effective, for your efforts will be put to good use and won't be foolishly squandered finding fault with or opposing others. 你将真正自由而有效率,因为你会善用你的努力而不会愚蠢地耗费在挑别人的毛病或与人作对。
You will be uncertain of your feelings. 不能确定自己的感受。

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