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I bought to that book from flowing pedlar there.

I bought this loaf of bread in the chain store opposite the street. 我在街道对面的连锁商店里买了这只面包。
I bought this magazine on the recommendation of a friend. 我由于一位朋友推荐而买了这本书。
I bought this toy in Beijing. 这玩具是我在北京买的。
I bought those new plates cheaply , and the pretty rose pattern has worn off already. 那些盘子我买得很便宜,可上面漂亮的玫瑰图案已被磨损了。
I bought those new plates cheaply, and the pretty rose pattern has worn off already. 那些盘子我买得很便宜,可上面漂亮的玫瑰图案已被磨损了。
I bought to that book from flowing pedlar there. 我从流动小贩那里买到了那本书。
I bought tomatoes and sea food. I found the kitchen things. 买了些西红柿和海鲜,在超市里,我找到了我需要的厨房用品。
I bought tons of fruit while it was cheap. 当它便宜时,我买了大量水果。
I bought two fishes, besides I got some fruit, too. 我买了两条鱼,此外我也买了一些水果。
I bought you some table mats when I was on holiday. If you don't use them now, you can always put them in your bottom drawer. 我在度假期间给你买了些桌子衬垫,即使你现在不用,你总还是可以把它们放入你为结婚而存储的东西中去。
I bounced the baby on my knee. 我把婴儿放在膝上上下颠着。

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