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C)Walk away, humming a catchy advertising jingle for laundry detergent. They're not worth it.

C) I always read a book there. 我总是在那里看书。
C) Notify your colleague's supervisor? 通报同事的上司?
C) Sufficient quantities of bamboo, the panda's only food, cannot be made available outside the panda's native habitat. 在熊猫的栖息地以外,很难弄到足够数量的竹子,这是熊猫惟一的食物。
C)Cast a spell to put him to sleep, then heal his weak body and slip off, full of pity for the poor mortal. 施法让她睡著,然后帮他回覆体力,事后躲起来,并且对他感到同情。
C)Ted: Can you come to my party? 你能来参加我的宴会吗?
C)Walk away, humming a catchy advertising jingle for laundry detergent. They're not worth it. 离开,哼唱著一个容易引起注意的洗衣粉广告歌。不值得对他们生气。
C)Whenever I need it. 我想要的时候。
C+ Permeated with dark shadows that recall Frankenstein and The Elephant Man, Unleashed features a quite clever premise before detouring into a plot twist that should've been muzzled. 三+ 洋溢著浓重的阴影,记得弗兰肯斯坦和大象人,发动具有相当巧妙的前提前迂迴成一个积扭应该已经带上
C++ became a better language through standardization and acquired a standard library of surprising expressive power. 通过标准化,C++变得更好了,还获得了有着惊人表达力的标准库。
C++ is the object-oriented successor to C. 语言是具有面向对象特性的C语言的继承者。
C-BONS Hair Care offers a wide range of shampooing, conditioning and hair styling products with strong and well-known brands in China such as Slek and Maestro. 丝宝护发部门在中国打造了在洗发水、护发素及头发定型产品等多个领域内的强力品牌,例如舒蕾和雅涛等。

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