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Progress on plant-based bioactive peptide and its absorption mechanism

Genetic diversity in rhizosphere soil microbes detected with SRAP markers 用SRAP标记研究根际土壤微生物的遗传多样性
Progress of the Study on the Method of DNA Extraction from Genetically Modified Food 转基因食品DNA提取研究进展
NDVI change and its relationship with climate in Ningxia in the last 25 years 宁夏近25年植被指数变化及其与气候的关系
Chemical synthesis of oligosaccharides 糖链的化学合成
Expression of fibroblast growth factor 21 in transgenic tomato plants 利用转基因番茄表达人成纤维细胞生长因子21(FGF21)
Progress on plant-based bioactive peptide and its absorption mechanism 植物源活性肽的研究进展及其吸收机制
Directed Evolution of Esterase for Advanced Enantioselectivity 通过定向进化策略提高酯酶立体选择性的研究
Torpor in mammals:types,species and patterns 哺乳动物的蛰眠:类型、物种分布与模式
Prokaryotic expression and bioactivity identification of hemolysin from Listeria monocytogenes 单增李斯特菌溶血素(LLO)的原核表达及其生物学活性鉴定
History,status of monitoring land birds in Europe and America and countermeasures of China 欧美陆地鸟类监测的历史、现状与我国的对策
Adherent and single-cell suspension culture of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells in serum-free medium 犬肾细胞MDCK无血清贴壁及单细胞悬浮培养

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