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Takeshima, Masumi. Auger Recombination in InAs, GaSb, InP, and GaAs.J. Appl. Phys. 43 (1972): 4114-4119.

Takes no time to switch. 开关时不需要时间。
Takes off the let side's made in austriasticker, it is easiest to peel up with a razorblade. (第一步:拿掉左边那个“奥地利制造”的粘附片,用锋利的刀片可以很方便的剥离下来。)
Takes the action,Maintains Taiwan to be clean. 采取行动,保持台湾清洁.。
Takes the marketplace as the direction ,Client act as the aim in order to meet .The quality is fundamental .The service is the guarantee, The wearproof sevret service trade limited company of Beijing is ready to against colleague the trade girl friend in 以市场为导向,以满足客户为目的,质量是根本、服务是保障,北京耐磨特工贸有限公司愿与同行业的朋友一起携手,一起开拓。
Takeshi Nakajima, an associate professor at the Hokkaido University Public Policy School whose book “Judge Pal” was published in July, said that Japanese critics of the trials selectively chose passages from his dissent. 北海道大学公共政策学院副教授中岛岳史写的《帕尔法官》一书,今年7月出版,他说,批评东京审判的日本人,在引用帕尔的不同意见书时断章取义。
Takeshima, Masumi. Auger Recombination in InAs, GaSb, InP, and GaAs.J. Appl. Phys. 43 (1972): 4114-4119. 对于一些重要的二元化合物之欧杰再结合的有用资讯(材料参数与理论)。
Takik (H.K) Company specializes in the production and sales of antistatic tools,including for bamboo tweezers that are extensively used for wafer and electronic component handling in electronic factories. 香港德益公司是一家制造防静电工具的专业厂家。竹镊子作为防静电工具被广泛应用于电子工厂的生产现场,夹取电子零部件。
Taking The greening plan of Jiangning Fangshan Mountain Holiday Tourism Areaas an example, this paper put forward the plan ides of combining the spot, the line, the surface and the bodytogether, and elaborated the corresponding ides and method about green 摘要以江宁方山风景旅游度假区绿化规划为例,提出“点、线、面、体”相结合的规划思路,从林相改造规划、道路系统植物景观规划、景点植物景观规划等方面阐述了相关的规划设计思想与方法。
Taking the Songhua River pollutionon November 13, 2005 as a sample, this paper indicates the contents that Chinese industries of steel, thermal power, petrochemical and other high energy consumption or high-pollution projects should be disclosed in the fu 采用事件研究法,以2005年11月13日“松花江污染”事件爲案例,透视中国钢铁、火电、石化等高耗能、高污染项目特殊行业在未来应规範的环保信息披露内容。
Taking 1951~2000 monthly rainfall data in the Zhanjiang area as the time series and using the Gaussian radial base function and a delayed input window chosen at 6, a new intelligent forecast system is developed based on radio basic function neural network 摘要以湛江地区50年来的月降水量为时间序列,利用高斯径向基函数,选择输入窗口(时滞)大小为6,建立了一种智能型的径向基函数神经网络预测系统,并分别对1991~2000年和2001~2003年的月降水量进行了测试预报和独立样本预测。
Taking 2050 mill hot strip continuous rolling process as an object, a coupling thermal, mechanical and microstructural simulation model on hot continuous rolling was built by using nonlinear rigid-plastic finite element method (FEM). 结合某厂2050热带钢连轧工艺过程,利用非线性刚塑性有限元法,建立热连轧过程热、力、组织的多参量耦合仿真模型。

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